Gosh. I've been playing on 2 computers side-by-side for over 8 years, including everything Cryptic has out - and this game simply because I liked it, and it wasn't against the rules. Now I'm all weepy, depressed and guilty-like because I'm learning that people's feelings get hurt when bad people like me have 2 accounts, and feelings are more important than rules. Thank you all for setting me on the right path.
PS. I'm so sorry I've been ruining everyone's experience for these many years.
centrificMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited May 2013
The problem here is that the OP linked key and mouse replication to his definition of multiboxing and that is why many people called it cheating. Multiboxing itself is just having the game open on multiple machines with separate accounts. How you control those different sessions is what defines whether its cheating or ok. If its manual control no worries, if its automated (any type of automation) then its cheating.
So yes, multiboxing or even multiclienting by itself is perfectly fine. Scripting/replicating/automating control is not fine.
We're not.
We're saying multi-boxing particularly in a damanding game like Neverwinter is a gateway for automated features to be abused.
You won't be able to fight at the same times. It will be impossible. So unless you are standing around RPing and a few other minor tasks you will either be a detriment or you will be automating the heck out of the other computer.
Have you tried the game? It would sort of be like playing two FPS Games at once. Not happening without some major automation so the "I am doing all the actions" argument falls short.
Hate to break it to you but since this weekend, Ive had no problem running 2 accounts, on 2 computers side by side doing content. Some people can use either hand for keyboards. If I decide to add a 3rd, all it will mean is a periodic pause while my 3rd in tow is caught up to the moving group. The wife's fluent in 2/3 account work too, so if we form dungeon/content groups amongst ourselves, you'd consider that cheating? Probably.
Still trying to find a reference to AD in my AD&D Manuals.
Multi-boxing ruins the experience for other players. Since there is no incentive for extra software sales or subscriptions, I'd be surprised if they allow it.
Without violating privacy laws, no way to really tell anyways. IP? I have 6 different networks at home because I run a IT business. Ruins the experience how? By getting things by guarantee in a group because you are running the whole group? Its more like a have and have not issue to me here.
Still trying to find a reference to AD in my AD&D Manuals.
lucidp2kBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
So did you just copy and paste the entire conversation from the Path of Exile forums?
Get a hobby that involves sunlight kiddo.
Spend less time complaining about shop prices and more time improving your salary.
Hate to break it to you but since this weekend, Ive had no problem running 2 accounts, on 2 computers side by side doing content. Some people can use either hand for keyboards. If I decide to add a 3rd, all it will mean is a periodic pause while my 3rd in tow is caught up to the moving group. The wife's fluent in 2/3 account work too, so if we form dungeon/content groups amongst ourselves, you'd consider that cheating? Probably.
How much of the content have you done and what dungeons/skirmishes?
zeek29Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited May 2013
I know i have multi-boxed games like wow and eq, but those are games that you can set up macros in game with the games ui. which is what i did then just screen or window flipped. i would not be able to multi box a game like this because its action combat, but i am sure there is soft ware out there you could program. i am not that good with computers though.
You two Mods on the front page disgust me for being Biased in a (albeit volunteer I assume) Staff position. Good on Ol' Zeb for showing a little understanding of the difference between Bots and Boxing. Long story short: Boxing requires keypresses and an active human inputting controls to the played characters. -Nothing- is automated. Multiboxers do NOT have characters, quote, "Stand back and throw some control nukes and heals" while you're doing other things on your main char. This is why most(not all) of WoW multiboxers are same-class; same hotkeys & spells.
Multiboxing certainly creates alot of controversy, but the one thing it is NOT, is cheating in any way, shape or form. If you ever tried it yourself, you'd see just how complex and hard it is to pull off correctly. It is simply a playstyle, arguably a sad one where someone plays a group by themselves, but a playstyle nonetheless. Just like you guys enjoy the challenge of endgame dungeons and character advancement, Multiboxers enjoy the challenge of trying to control more than just a single character at once. It's quite interesting in most games if you give it a fair, unbiased shot.
With that said, however; NWO's Mechanics do not lend themselves to Multiboxing in any proper manner. The lack of Targeting system in particular is the biggest problem, as Legitimate Multiboxing that has no botting elements requires a /follow target, because it is -impossible- to move more than one Character in the same direction over any given distance without their paths deviating horribly. Then on top of that is the lack of /assist, it's an Action combat system, which only compounds the whole movement and targeting issue. I will defend Multiboxing because it is a legitimate playstyle choice that harms noone outside of PVP(and I will also argue that but that's not for this thread or this game), but I don't genuinely think it's doable in this game given the mechanics.
Multi-boxing is lame, pure and simple. If you want to play with yourself, play a single player game.
The beauty and glory of MMORPGs is playing with other people. If you're too lame for that, please just don't play.
There is no justification for being selfish, greedy, exploitive, or outright cheating.
Games with active combat are going to be harder to multibox anyways. I haven't played Neverwinter yet but in other similar systems there are no portraits to click on for healing/buffing and no tab target type of mechanisms. So there's nothing to cheese or script. In this type of system you have to be fully on the ball to play. If you're not aiming you're not hitting or healing or whatever.
Uh, how about someone with social phobia that loves the amount of content, and the type of content in a particular MMO, and wishes to experience -all of it- even the group stuff? That is why I multibox...and why I hate posting on/reading forums, seeing all the vehement opinions. People being so closedminded about the stuff make me physically ill and fearful for my well-being, as well as my access to and time invested in my characters.
"Just get a group" is not an option unless it's with my real friends, who don't always have the same free time as me, and when there are so many angry internet people floating around, and horror stories of ragequitters, and I'm used to oldschool Everquest where there were trainers, campstealers, and so on, I'm really soured on trying to group with anyone I haven't met before in an MMO. Also, it might be that -I suck- at whatever character I'm playing, and actively trying to get better, or the rest of the party sucks, and we cannot accomplish the content. If I multibox, I have no one to blame but myself if I fail at some content and have to try again later, and I can be zen about it, and honing my skills. Also, I don't feel obligated to keep bashing my head into something my character/group is obviously not ready for. If I realize I don't have the DPS to beat the respawn somewhere, I simply don't try more than once or maybe twice.
I've seen it all before, I see all your arguments for and against before.
Multiboxing is a cancer. The ToS need to specifically shut it down and address it. A lot of people are talking about dual boxing, as it's allowed and you can do that. There's valid reasons why non-cheaters could do this. However, now that it's allowed, it opens the door up a crack for exploiters.
Here's what I don't like about multiboxing:
1. MMORPG solo style. Go and experience the game as it is designed, not play by yourself solo with your band of merry robots on follow doing heals to support you. Anti-social and selfish have a good hard look at yourselves.
2. Any PvP content is ruined by boxers. Auto targeting multiple toons at once, normally with huge range damage means they get an unfair advantage over a regular player. This is plain cheating.
3. Economy - multiboxing players get double income over regular players. They will then be able to gear up faster, and consolidate all their ill gotten gains on their main toon which is not an option normally to honest single players. Of course, if they go from dual boxer to true multiboxer the greed is even more pronounced.
4. The game is not designed with multiboxing in mind. You can't honestly say that content was built for this exploit to be used. The intention of dual boxing is that you could have an alt crafting while you use the other login to continue on in quests. This to me is a good feature, but to have someone exploit the feature to earn double income/gear (or more with more boxes added on) is an exploit.
5. It's ugly. I've seen 6, and 12 boxers running in a game with their zombie like toons following them around. It's just plain ugly.
Please PW knock this on the head now before it gets entrenched in this game. Update ToS to specifically say that multiboxing is will mean banning, and make any follow commands in game fail to function if the follow is done on a toon that is from the same account. This will not punish dual boxers using the feature legitimately and will prevent exploiters.
I disagree with the community mods bashing the OP, that's not how a moderator should work, even if voluntary. Seriously, state your opinion and then let it be. no need to bash the OP for any reason what so ever. I for one would be happy to multi-box.
I'm going to sum this up real quick from my 7 years experience with PWE.
Cash shopper = multiboxing is fine as long as ALL of your accounts use RL money.
F2P customer = You will get banned.
I only say this because I was reported for multiboxing on a few of their games and a GM said it was fine, yet the same GM banned half my friends accounts, the only difference being I spent money and they didn't.
Although running a 5 man setup in this game is a lot different.
Right... So are we allowed to have two accounts or not? I was going to make one for my friend to play on, and I may also get on it from time to time. Can that get me banned?
necrofobicMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 46Arc User
edited May 2013
look in the troubleshooting options
theres a part about running 2 clients there, so yeah id say its more than ok, and just no. multiboxing isnt cheating
anyone who says multiboxing is cheating clearly have never multiboxed, its really tricky, takes a long time to get used to, and requires multitasking on a whole new level
im always impressed when i see someone pulling off ,more than 3 toons, cause i know how **** hard it is
and finally , more than often ull be way more effective running just 1 account, most dual/multiboxers run it cause its fun, and the ones that run it to avoid other people in dungeons, if they can pull it off, they are worth the rewards
also remember they have those extra toons to gear/goldsink so the profit of havin more toons aint that high that everyone thinks
First problem: What YOU don't like. I don't like Rogues, doesn't mean they're not entitled to play the Flavor of the Month/"LOLIMANINJA" class.
1. MMORPG solo style. Go and experience the game as it is designed, not play by yourself solo with your band of merry robots on follow doing heals to support you. Anti-social and selfish have a good hard look at yourselves.
Spoilers, Timmy: Alot of us Multiboxers DO play Solo characters too. After we get bored of playing solo, or vice versa bored of Boxing, we swap to the other and play that. As I said on the last page, it's a playstyle, and most Boxers DO play solo too. Also, how is this anti-social:
That's right. a Guild of Multiboxers. On a server where we also had Single alts, and played with other people on the server. Hell, we put on Light Shows in Ironforge & Stormwind for the masses, everyone got a huge kick out of us spelling things like "LOL" with Chain Heals, or making awesome patterns like this:
Anti-social my rear-end. We were the most social lot on the entire server, and alot of Boxers(not all) are similarly so. If anything you're the one being anti-social by hating on others' playstyles and "putting a pox on them" lol
PS: I had many solo characters on WoW as well. My boomkin was even a top tier raider on Magtheridon and not only did it lvl solo but it did every raid that came out from Molten Core up till early Icecrown in every role from Tanking to Heals to Boomkin DPS. Again, anti-social my butt.
2. Any PvP content is ruined by boxers. Auto targeting multiple toons at once, normally with huge range damage means they get an unfair advantage over a regular player. This is plain cheating.
While I agree 99% of legitimate complaints about boxers come from PVP situations, I will dispute your outright lies about "auto targeting"; Boxers only use /assist commands found within the game already. In a game like this, that simply doesn't exist, so they cannot do so. Don't complain about things that are done by tons of people boxer and non-boxer alike such as Teamwork, Coordination, and /assisting the Tank. It's no different than having an organized Arena or Battleground team, or a Guild Raid. Instead of being a Rambo dumbass who runs in and just starts DPSing without thinking, try coordinating like a competent human being. Multiple coordinated minds with multiple chars always beats single mind with very limited multiple chars who can only follow the leader in games that allow /follow.
3. Economy - multiboxing players get double income over regular players. They will then be able to gear up faster, and consolidate all their ill gotten gains on their main toon which is not an option normally to honest single players. Of course, if they go from dual boxer to true multiboxer the greed is even more pronounced.
I wasn't aware being in a group solely played by 1 person increased our drops 5x that of a normal group or single player. Oh wait, it doesn't. We still get the same drops as you, except we have 5x the repair costs, 5x the Gearing-up to do, 5x the training costs and still have the share the same loot we would get if playing 1 char. Use some common sense.
4. The game is not designed with multiboxing in mind. You can't honestly say that content was built for this exploit to be used. The intention of dual boxing is that you could have an alt crafting while you use the other login to continue on in quests. This to me is a good feature, but to have someone exploit the feature to earn double income/gear (or more with more boxes added on) is an exploit.
While I agree this game is very much not multiboxing-friendly in design, I have to dispute that this crafting argument has nothing to do with actual Multiboxing, just Multi-Loggers. Boxing implies actually playing the characters, not having them along as healbots or crafting mules.
5. It's ugly. I've seen 6, and 12 boxers running in a game with their zombie like toons following them around. It's just plain ugly.
Yeah well you're ugly too lol
Please PW knock this on the head now before it gets entrenched in this game. Update ToS to specifically say that multiboxing is will mean banning, and make any follow commands in game fail to function if the follow is done on a toon that is from the same account. This will not punish dual boxers using the feature legitimately and will prevent exploiters.
Never gonna happen. Partly because Boxing just can't be done in a proper manner here. Multi-logging/Dual-clienting maybe, but Multiboxing? No.
Outside of PVP, what the heck does it even matter to you? Let them play the game how they enjoy, live and let live. To you sir, I say:
PW has always allowed two open clients. Of course this game does not make it very easy to control 2 people either lol. There are very few benefits as well.
Small correction: PW has not always allowed two opened clients. They were forced to allow it since one household could have more than one computer and all computers would be logged in with legit players (normally only two).
Would be easier if we could get an official response instead of having to dig through 11 pages of biased nonsense.
cichardMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
multiboxing doesnt lead to bots.... they are mutual exclusive things done by 2 different type of players..... Multboxing is another form of playing at the keyboard and is not cheating... its actually HARDER to multibox then it is to play 1 character. Botting is already crazy in this game hense the zone chat spam of NI HAO COME TO OUR SITE SELL YOU GOLD FOR CHEAP CHEAP.... HAMSTER all the time. People need to get their heads out of their *** get out of the stone age and realize multiboxing and botting are two different things and Multiboxing isnt cheating....
cichardMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I've seen it all before, I see all your arguments for and against before.
Multiboxing is a cancer. The ToS need to specifically shut it down and address it. A lot of people are talking about dual boxing, as it's allowed and you can do that. There's valid reasons why non-cheaters could do this. However, now that it's allowed, it opens the door up a crack for exploiters.
Here's what I don't like about multiboxing:
1. MMORPG solo style. Go and experience the game as it is designed, not play by yourself solo with your band of merry robots on follow doing heals to support you. Anti-social and selfish have a good hard look at yourselves.
2. Any PvP content is ruined by boxers. Auto targeting multiple toons at once, normally with huge range damage means they get an unfair advantage over a regular player. This is plain cheating.
3. Economy - multiboxing players get double income over regular players. They will then be able to gear up faster, and consolidate all their ill gotten gains on their main toon which is not an option normally to honest single players. Of course, if they go from dual boxer to true multiboxer the greed is even more pronounced.
4. The game is not designed with multiboxing in mind. You can't honestly say that content was built for this exploit to be used. The intention of dual boxing is that you could have an alt crafting while you use the other login to continue on in quests. This to me is a good feature, but to have someone exploit the feature to earn double income/gear (or more with more boxes added on) is an exploit.
5. It's ugly. I've seen 6, and 12 boxers running in a game with their zombie like toons following them around. It's just plain ugly.
Please PW knock this on the head now before it gets entrenched in this game. Update ToS to specifically say that multiboxing is will mean banning, and make any follow commands in game fail to function if the follow is done on a toon that is from the same account. This will not punish dual boxers using the feature legitimately and will prevent exploiters.
say a 2 boxer makes double the money YES but they also have double the expense...... you sir need to get out of the dark ages and realize its another play style... just cause you do not have the skill to multibox doesnt mean its wrong to multibox.
say a 2 boxer makes double the money YES but they also have double the expense...... you sir need to get out of the dark ages and realize its another play style... just cause you do not have the skill to multibox doesnt mean its wrong to multibox.
That's a foolish comment. It doesn't take more "skill" to multibox at an average level, just more preparation. The reason people choose not to multibox is either because they don't enjoy doing it (the same reason people choose to multibox) or they can't afford to.
All the people complaining that multiboxing "cheating" or "boting" are simply ignorant. Multiboxers are at their keyboards, playing their characters just like you are. There is no automation involved, therefore it's not a bot. Calling something a cheat or exploit simply because it's different from the way you play or because you don't like it is foolish.
But, again, this thread is a waste of time.
Please someone post an official response as to whether or not it's allowed and then lock the thread.
Multi-boxing itself is fine as long as you don't use any keystroke replication programs. Those are cheating IMO. If you want to independently control two characters at once I think that's pretty loserly but it's not something I have a problem with. If you want to control 5 characters at once via the same keystrokes that is out and out cheating and you should be banned for it.
I'll ask the staff and see what they say. However there is no argument anybody could use that would make me say that is anything other than cheating.
How about this line.
You can run the client as many times as your computer can handle it. Other MMOs don't allow you to run more than one instance of the game if its against their TOS and the only way around that would be to have multi-OSs installed, mirroring a connection to another computer or using specific software that allows it which is actually built around macro based cheating. You don't need to do that with this game, just log into the client, then open it up again and log in a second, third, fourth...fifth time. This is not something Cryptic allowed with Champions or CoH...cant say with STO because I never played it.
Either way, I don't even see a reason to do such a thing in this game outside of trading items and even then it would be just to cut short the time of mailing it all.
It is weird that when i started to play on other account ( not in same time) i got ban on this first account? And i didnt get any information on my email. And yes i cant get any answer using tickets..
asakochanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
if they disable multi-boxing many people like myself would be penalised, as in my house 3 people play this game at time: me, my sister, her fiancee (and sometimes my mom too lol ), all from same router.
Is like using same IP address. Would not be fair!
Also i'm an altoholic and i love powerleveling my own alts. I don't have yet 2 accounts in neverwinter but i had severals in every game i played and i hate if i can't log in same time with 2 of them for my own bussiness. I don't think this is cheating or botting, i don't use any software for it, i multitasking, switching between windows in order to manage both chars. Would this penalise anyone in the game? I don't think so, this only makes me folow the game slower than the rest of ppl and that's it.
I agree with the moderators: Multiboxing is cheating. It is an exploit.
Obviously, there's no way to catch the people using multiple computers and jumping back and forth between them (not sure I'd call that multiboxing anyway), but multiple instances of the game on a single computer, even though some such players may mean well, is still ripe for abuse.
if they disable multi-boxing many people like myself would be penalised, as in my house 3 people play this game at time: me, my sister, her fiancee (and sometimes my mom too lol ), all from same router.
Is like using same IP address. Would not be fair!
Also i'm an altoholic and i love powerleveling my own alts. I don't have yet 2 accounts in neverwinter but i had severals in every game i played and i hate if i can't log in same time with 2 of them for my own bussiness. I don't think this is cheating or botting, i don't use any software for it, i multitasking, switching between windows in order to manage both chars. Would this penalise anyone in the game? I don't think so, this only makes me folow the game slower than the rest of ppl and that's it.
Not sure that this would be an issue, it's not so much that you shouldn't be able to log multiple clients from the same router, but moreso the same MACHINE. Along with that they would need to treat it like botting in the sense that they'd have to see the multiboxer doing their "thang" and then ban on sight. They often look similar to bots in their matching garbs and similar names... But you'll always be able to look at the first guy in the "fail train" and see that he's the actual person.
PS. I'm so sorry I've been ruining everyone's experience for these many years.
So yes, multiboxing or even multiclienting by itself is perfectly fine. Scripting/replicating/automating control is not fine.
Hate to break it to you but since this weekend, Ive had no problem running 2 accounts, on 2 computers side by side doing content. Some people can use either hand for keyboards. If I decide to add a 3rd, all it will mean is a periodic pause while my 3rd in tow is caught up to the moving group. The wife's fluent in 2/3 account work too, so if we form dungeon/content groups amongst ourselves, you'd consider that cheating? Probably.
Without violating privacy laws, no way to really tell anyways. IP? I have 6 different networks at home because I run a IT business. Ruins the experience how? By getting things by guarantee in a group because you are running the whole group? Its more like a have and have not issue to me here.
Get a hobby that involves sunlight kiddo.
How much of the content have you done and what dungeons/skirmishes?
Everything up to level 20. Letting the wife catch up so we can 6(5) account it.
Multiboxing certainly creates alot of controversy, but the one thing it is NOT, is cheating in any way, shape or form. If you ever tried it yourself, you'd see just how complex and hard it is to pull off correctly. It is simply a playstyle, arguably a sad one where someone plays a group by themselves, but a playstyle nonetheless. Just like you guys enjoy the challenge of endgame dungeons and character advancement, Multiboxers enjoy the challenge of trying to control more than just a single character at once. It's quite interesting in most games if you give it a fair, unbiased shot.
With that said, however; NWO's Mechanics do not lend themselves to Multiboxing in any proper manner. The lack of Targeting system in particular is the biggest problem, as Legitimate Multiboxing that has no botting elements requires a /follow target, because it is -impossible- to move more than one Character in the same direction over any given distance without their paths deviating horribly. Then on top of that is the lack of /assist, it's an Action combat system, which only compounds the whole movement and targeting issue. I will defend Multiboxing because it is a legitimate playstyle choice that harms noone outside of PVP(and I will also argue that but that's not for this thread or this game), but I don't genuinely think it's doable in this game given the mechanics.
Uh, how about someone with social phobia that loves the amount of content, and the type of content in a particular MMO, and wishes to experience -all of it- even the group stuff? That is why I multibox...and why I hate posting on/reading forums, seeing all the vehement opinions. People being so closedminded about the stuff make me physically ill and fearful for my well-being, as well as my access to and time invested in my characters.
"Just get a group" is not an option unless it's with my real friends, who don't always have the same free time as me, and when there are so many angry internet people floating around, and horror stories of ragequitters, and I'm used to oldschool Everquest where there were trainers, campstealers, and so on, I'm really soured on trying to group with anyone I haven't met before in an MMO. Also, it might be that -I suck- at whatever character I'm playing, and actively trying to get better, or the rest of the party sucks, and we cannot accomplish the content. If I multibox, I have no one to blame but myself if I fail at some content and have to try again later, and I can be zen about it, and honing my skills. Also, I don't feel obligated to keep bashing my head into something my character/group is obviously not ready for. If I realize I don't have the DPS to beat the respawn somewhere, I simply don't try more than once or maybe twice.
I've seen it all before, I see all your arguments for and against before.
Multiboxing is a cancer. The ToS need to specifically shut it down and address it. A lot of people are talking about dual boxing, as it's allowed and you can do that. There's valid reasons why non-cheaters could do this. However, now that it's allowed, it opens the door up a crack for exploiters.
Here's what I don't like about multiboxing:
1. MMORPG solo style. Go and experience the game as it is designed, not play by yourself solo with your band of merry robots on follow doing heals to support you. Anti-social and selfish have a good hard look at yourselves.
2. Any PvP content is ruined by boxers. Auto targeting multiple toons at once, normally with huge range damage means they get an unfair advantage over a regular player. This is plain cheating.
3. Economy - multiboxing players get double income over regular players. They will then be able to gear up faster, and consolidate all their ill gotten gains on their main toon which is not an option normally to honest single players. Of course, if they go from dual boxer to true multiboxer the greed is even more pronounced.
4. The game is not designed with multiboxing in mind. You can't honestly say that content was built for this exploit to be used. The intention of dual boxing is that you could have an alt crafting while you use the other login to continue on in quests. This to me is a good feature, but to have someone exploit the feature to earn double income/gear (or more with more boxes added on) is an exploit.
5. It's ugly. I've seen 6, and 12 boxers running in a game with their zombie like toons following them around. It's just plain ugly.
Please PW knock this on the head now before it gets entrenched in this game. Update ToS to specifically say that multiboxing is will mean banning, and make any follow commands in game fail to function if the follow is done on a toon that is from the same account. This will not punish dual boxers using the feature legitimately and will prevent exploiters.
Cash shopper = multiboxing is fine as long as ALL of your accounts use RL money.
F2P customer = You will get banned.
I only say this because I was reported for multiboxing on a few of their games and a GM said it was fine, yet the same GM banned half my friends accounts, the only difference being I spent money and they didn't.
Although running a 5 man setup in this game is a lot different.
theres a part about running 2 clients there, so yeah id say its more than ok, and just no. multiboxing isnt cheating
anyone who says multiboxing is cheating clearly have never multiboxed, its really tricky, takes a long time to get used to, and requires multitasking on a whole new level
im always impressed when i see someone pulling off ,more than 3 toons, cause i know how **** hard it is
and finally , more than often ull be way more effective running just 1 account, most dual/multiboxers run it cause its fun, and the ones that run it to avoid other people in dungeons, if they can pull it off, they are worth the rewards
also remember they have those extra toons to gear/goldsink so the profit of havin more toons aint that high that everyone thinks
Spoilers, Timmy: Alot of us Multiboxers DO play Solo characters too. After we get bored of playing solo, or vice versa bored of Boxing, we swap to the other and play that. As I said on the last page, it's a playstyle, and most Boxers DO play solo too. Also, how is this anti-social:
That's right. a Guild of Multiboxers. On a server where we also had Single alts, and played with other people on the server. Hell, we put on Light Shows in Ironforge & Stormwind for the masses, everyone got a huge kick out of us spelling things like "LOL" with Chain Heals, or making awesome patterns like this:
Anti-social my rear-end. We were the most social lot on the entire server, and alot of Boxers(not all) are similarly so. If anything you're the one being anti-social by hating on others' playstyles and "putting a pox on them" lol
PS: I had many solo characters on WoW as well. My boomkin was even a top tier raider on Magtheridon and not only did it lvl solo but it did every raid that came out from Molten Core up till early Icecrown in every role from Tanking to Heals to Boomkin DPS. Again, anti-social my butt.
While I agree 99% of legitimate complaints about boxers come from PVP situations, I will dispute your outright lies about "auto targeting"; Boxers only use /assist commands found within the game already. In a game like this, that simply doesn't exist, so they cannot do so. Don't complain about things that are done by tons of people boxer and non-boxer alike such as Teamwork, Coordination, and /assisting the Tank. It's no different than having an organized Arena or Battleground team, or a Guild Raid. Instead of being a Rambo dumbass who runs in and just starts DPSing without thinking, try coordinating like a competent human being. Multiple coordinated minds with multiple chars always beats single mind with very limited multiple chars who can only follow the leader in games that allow /follow.
I wasn't aware being in a group solely played by 1 person increased our drops 5x that of a normal group or single player. Oh wait, it doesn't. We still get the same drops as you, except we have 5x the repair costs, 5x the Gearing-up to do, 5x the training costs and still have the share the same loot we would get if playing 1 char. Use some common sense.
While I agree this game is very much not multiboxing-friendly in design, I have to dispute that this crafting argument has nothing to do with actual Multiboxing, just Multi-Loggers. Boxing implies actually playing the characters, not having them along as healbots or crafting mules.
Yeah well you're ugly too
Never gonna happen. Partly because Boxing just can't be done in a proper manner here. Multi-logging/Dual-clienting maybe, but Multiboxing? No.
Outside of PVP, what the heck does it even matter to you? Let them play the game how they enjoy, live and let live. To you sir, I say:
Small correction: PW has not always allowed two opened clients. They were forced to allow it since one household could have more than one computer and all computers would be logged in with legit players (normally only two).
say a 2 boxer makes double the money YES but they also have double the expense...... you sir need to get out of the dark ages and realize its another play style... just cause you do not have the skill to multibox doesnt mean its wrong to multibox.
That's a foolish comment. It doesn't take more "skill" to multibox at an average level, just more preparation. The reason people choose not to multibox is either because they don't enjoy doing it (the same reason people choose to multibox) or they can't afford to.
All the people complaining that multiboxing "cheating" or "boting" are simply ignorant. Multiboxers are at their keyboards, playing their characters just like you are. There is no automation involved, therefore it's not a bot. Calling something a cheat or exploit simply because it's different from the way you play or because you don't like it is foolish.
But, again, this thread is a waste of time.
Please someone post an official response as to whether or not it's allowed and then lock the thread.
How about this line.
You can run the client as many times as your computer can handle it. Other MMOs don't allow you to run more than one instance of the game if its against their TOS and the only way around that would be to have multi-OSs installed, mirroring a connection to another computer or using specific software that allows it which is actually built around macro based cheating. You don't need to do that with this game, just log into the client, then open it up again and log in a second, third, fourth...fifth time. This is not something Cryptic allowed with Champions or CoH...cant say with STO because I never played it.
Either way, I don't even see a reason to do such a thing in this game outside of trading items and even then it would be just to cut short the time of mailing it all.
Is like using same IP address. Would not be fair!
Also i'm an altoholic and i love powerleveling my own alts. I don't have yet 2 accounts in neverwinter but i had severals in every game i played and i hate if i can't log in same time with 2 of them for my own bussiness. I don't think this is cheating or botting, i don't use any software for it, i multitasking, switching between windows in order to manage both chars. Would this penalise anyone in the game? I don't think so, this only makes me folow the game slower than the rest of ppl and that's it.
Obviously, there's no way to catch the people using multiple computers and jumping back and forth between them (not sure I'd call that multiboxing anyway), but multiple instances of the game on a single computer, even though some such players may mean well, is still ripe for abuse.
Not sure that this would be an issue, it's not so much that you shouldn't be able to log multiple clients from the same router, but moreso the same MACHINE. Along with that they would need to treat it like botting in the sense that they'd have to see the multiboxer doing their "thang" and then ban on sight. They often look similar to bots in their matching garbs and similar names... But you'll always be able to look at the first guy in the "fail train" and see that he's the actual person.