The different options for farming Zariel's favor are highly unbalanced. Ignoring weekly challenges you have the following options, AFAIK.
- BHE giving 30 favor plus 10 favor per critter hit (most of the times).
- HE giving 20 favor plus whatever the mobs give or don't give.
- Doing quests, giving 30 to 50 favors.
- Killing Gary and Mog, giving 20 favors (not guaranteed?).
- Killing stuff, giving 1 to 10 favors (or nothing).
From all the availaible options running the BHE only is twice as efficient as the other options. In my tests I was able to get about 2000 favor/h when doing BHEs and about 1000 favor/h when doing quests and killing mobs.
IMHO this should be more balanced. Things to change could be...
- Increase favors for HE completion and favor dropped by mobs in HEs.
- Increase favor given for quests.
- Increase favor for Gary and Mog to 30-50 guaranteed.
- Add favor drops to treasure chests.
Running BHEs ad infinitum is boring. Please give as some viable and balanced choices.
What do you think?
Even funnier after remembering what chris whiteside said in a recent interview:
"it means that we have to produce content that is really immersive, that's really exciting, that doesn't feel really grindy"
Looks like thats what they see as immersive and not grindy
Today I've noticed that a lot of players left the ongoing BHE after killing the mobs in the 1st phase, leaving only about 5 players to free prisoners/souls and killing the final boss. I haven't tested it but it seems that players still get the rewards even after switching instances, which is just lame.
Could you please make it so, that you have to be in the exact location right after the boss dies to get the rewards? That would be just fair.
Track record is the Cryptic seems to favour making things MORE grindy not less
People were hopeful for M18. It was a terrible HE grind. People said "It's ok, Chris is new, he'll have more influence in later content."
People were hopeful for Rage of Bel. It was a terrible HE grind. People said "It's ok, Chris is new, he'll have more influence later."
People were hopeful for M19. Decent mod, aside from the shameless copy from a FFXIV trial and badly designed healing changes. Could it be? Maybe Chris is finally having some influence after all!
And then we got the Redeemed Citadel, a terrible HE grind. People still say "It's ok, Chris is new, he'll have more influence later".
I wonder if we'll just move the goalposts once again if M20 turns out to be HAMSTER. And given their track record, it probably will be.
Also, here's what Chris said in a recent interview:
Rage of Bel. Most people hated the stupid HE grind, the weapons transmutes being bound to character instead of to account (something simple that could have been solved very quickly but wasn't), the stupid RNG needed to get any progress. And Chris describes it as something that "has done wonders as it brought a more gameplay-focused overall experience for players". This kind of content being described by the Executive Producer as "a good gameplay experience" is one of the reasons why I'm very skeptical about M20. But I do hope I'm wrong. Time will tell I guess.
The Redeemed Citadel is decent by comparison - it actually feels like it was bug that actually favours players, and a few minor issues....none of which are game breaking. I guess, however, that the real test will be when the server progress reaches 100% and the hunts become available.
in past it required more .... but fgor example healers often missed rewards because they " didnt hit anything in last seconds ,,, or were too far at end reving downed person
for bel weapons ... bind to character wouldnt be that big issue .... but giving character bound paladin mace to wizard as reward is pathetic developer fail
Episode 1 Fellowship of BHE ..
Episode 2 Return of Bhe...
Episode 3 One BHE to rule Them All
Episode 4 Desolation of BHE
Anyway is this the content will you like to play ?!!!
but you forgot episode 5 stream where whiteside + juliakeep telling us us how we enjoying awesome bhe and more communication with people
+ bhe plzz 200k power
After that, started to farming solo, then BHE,.... and the play time became a miserable experience. I hope they change the weekly challenges to daily, or they refresh when you complete all...
Also BHE gives nothing valuable, they could give a chance to get something like in a dungeon
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
absolute fail to explain anything about event to players prior to start leaving them guessing how will stuff work on reddit just turned very bad "chapter" parody making strong competition for worst fail in history module 6 "elemental fail"
This means 20 minutes doing BHEs or 40 minutes doing quests according to the OP (my numbers would probably be 20 and 30-35 minutes respectively based on the 25k favors gained so far).
I would recommend raising a bit the quest rewards to get all options around 20-25 minutes x day. Anyway not a big grind, unless you want to do it for alts too and not only for your main.
It would be good to have more variety of weapons as @geminisky59#9345 mentioned hereabove, but that's part of a larger issue with all gear and boons being lackluster after mod16.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
+1 to that.
Today some guild mates and I spent a good amount of time doing the weekly challenges, most of it was trying not to die at the end of hc MC (mostly due to lag issues, not that we suck that bad :P). While it was kinda frustrating, at least it was something to do with some friends and brought us into a dungeon we hadn't been to for a long time. Though, we're done with that for the week, and now there's only BHE's to farm
As for HC mode on it's own, it needs adjusting, something more like the Barovia hunts. It feels super wrong that in "Hardcore Mode", all the mobs are a breeze and bosses die in 10 seconds (except for a few built in anti smash mechanics that wipe the party if you do,e.g. msp), the only thing challenging about it is surviving those few mechanics that will one shot you. The difficulty in HC mode should be smoothed out such that mobs are more difficult, bosses are more difficult, while also adjusting some things like nostura's curse, bombs in cr at strahd, etc, to match some of the changes that have happened in recent months. In short, tougher/smarter mobs, tougher/smarter bosses, and less cheesy one-shot mechs, allow us to tune the difficulty with more/less options, and adjust the Zariels favor accordingly. Hell, make a couple dungeons a daily challenge and allow players to constantly run them in this new hardcore mode at their own tuned settings/rewards(favor) trade-off, and change the daily dungeon, daily. As HC mode currently stands, some dungeons are just going to be infeasible to do w/o anyone dying, it's going to be a real pain point, not because the content is hard, but because it's cheesy.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80