Most games have scaling which I think is good as it means you cam play all content at a reasonable challenge instead of walking through mobs with a few button bashes. Never had problems with scaling and am not having problems in this game either.
In this case you are one in a million. Enjoy the fun while you can. Lots don't.
Well in that case they need to learn to play the game. I bet its only button mashers that are finding it difficult
Can you please share vidoe of playing demo with fun ? I really like to see how u having fun in game and we all not .
The fact that im playing shows im having fun. If I wasn't I would have quit. Look at other MMOs like Elderscrolls online as an example. They have scaling but you don't see people whinging about it
I'd be hitting up a bug report then, because it's my understanding that there is no scaling supposed to be happening in the expansion at all.
On second expedition now. I've been dropped from 77 to 74. My power has been slashed from 76k to 57k. Similar scaling across the rest of my stats, and I've had about 10k HP shaved off.
This isn't a bug, Robert. This is how the game is meant to be... This is "Working As Intended."
This is a disgrace...
Question are you running the expeditions with runes? If so random negatives happen one of which is decreasing power and def. that may explain your power being lowered.... I never had my stats lowered in them without the "rune traps" being activated.
No runes. I haven't even been given the option to use those.
Most games have scaling which I think is good as it means you cam play all content at a reasonable challenge instead of walking through mobs with a few button bashes. Never had problems with scaling and am not having problems in this game either.
In this case you are one in a million. Enjoy the fun while you can. Lots don't.
Well in that case they need to learn to play the game. I bet its only button mashers that are finding it difficult
Can you please share vidoe of playing demo with fun ? I really like to see how u having fun in game and we all not .
The fact that im playing shows im having fun. If I wasn't I would have quit. Look at other MMOs like Elderscrolls online as an example. They have scaling but you don't see people whinging about it
Pony up the proof. Show me on ESO where, because I was three levels higher than the *story mission*, because I leveled up from *daring* to play their game, I had my stats slashed in half.
Again. In going from 74 to 77, I gained about 2k HP. Full stop. That's it. I get to the second expedition, and without activating any runes (again, I'm not even given the option to do so), what happens? "BEEP BOOP, Adjusting level. All stats reduced by 30,000. Enjoy your game...."
In summary: scaling is borked. The person responsible should be fired and blacklisted. Not because it's hard. I love a good challenge. But because this *kills* any sense of progression. I'm running around the main area of Wyllywood right now, desperately attempting to avoid combat. Not because its difficult, but because the NWO devs have done something I thought impossible. They've made leveling up your character, the oldest, truest form of letting a player know "you have made progress. You have accomplished something" in a D&D game, a punishment to be avoided at all costs!
All zones in ESO, and I'll give you one better, GW 2 are scaled, because any level player can, and may be playing in them. To get Caldwell's Silver, and Caldwell's Gold achievements, in ESO, you must play the faction stories from the other two factions, on the character that's already finished the main story. Hint: You're not running around at max level in those zones, you are leveled down to the appropriate level. If you want the skyshards from a particular zone, you're going to be downscaled to the appropriate levels for the zone. The inherent flaw with ESO's system, as far as I'm concerned, is that Champion Points are account wide, and can be used by any toon on your account after you start earning them.
*massages forehead*
Alright. I'm gonna operate in good faith and assume you misunderstood me. Forgive me if this comes off as being a tad aggressive. I'm not denying that ESO has scaling. What I am demanding proof of is scaling that is this screwed up. If you want, I've got screenshots to prove it, and I'll do my best to figure out how to upload them, but here's the gist of it.
I'm still running my level 70 gear from modules 11-15 (because as a CW, there are some items that were BIS that were several mods old, such as the enduring boots from Omu, which give a 3% damage boost when your stamina is above 75%). At level 74, my baseline stats were around 214k HP, 76k power, etc. If I had gone on the expedition story quest at that level, nothing would have happened, I'd have still been fine. However, because the *campaign mission EXP awards themselves* pushed me into 77, I got scaled.
You know what I got, stat wise, for those three levels? My HP was pushed up to 216k. 2k HP was it. Full stop. And anyone who has played Undermountain knows how meaningless that is, because the trash mobs can take five times that from you by farting in your general direction.
So. What happened when I was auto-scaled to 74? Rather than fighting the enemy with a power level of 76k (Again, this is what my power level was at level 74 and at level 77, I was automatically scaled down to a power level of 57k. My Critical Strike was scaled from 72k to 48k. My defense went from 43k to 28k. And those are just some examples of my stats being slashed from 25-40+%, because I was *three levels over* the maximum level.
It didn't look at my gear and take the time to go "Oh, I see you're level 77, but you're still using gear, enchants, etc. from level 70, let me just tweak this a little to lower you max HP" or the like, it *crippled* my character my setting my stats to a mere fraction of what they were, had I been able to access it three levels sooner. But because this game hands out levelups in the 70-80 area like a diabetic trying to get rid of a candy stash they found in their home, I was actively punished. NWO was crippling my character because I *dared* to actually play the game as it is supposed to be played.
That's what I'm trying to get you to show me proof of. I want you to show me that there's a place in ESO, where a 3 level scaling results in a 25-40% drop in stats to the character.
Most games have scaling which I think is good as it means you cam play all content at a reasonable challenge instead of walking through mobs with a few button bashes. Never had problems with scaling and am not having problems in this game either.
In this case you are one in a million. Enjoy the fun while you can. Lots don't.
Well in that case they need to learn to play the game. I bet its only button mashers that are finding it difficult
Can you please share vidoe of playing demo with fun ? I really like to see how u having fun in game and we all not .
The fact that im playing shows im having fun. If I wasn't I would have quit. Look at other MMOs like Elderscrolls online as an example. They have scaling but you don't see people whinging about it
I'd be hitting up a bug report then, because it's my understanding that there is no scaling supposed to be happening in the expansion at all.
On second expedition now. I've been dropped from 77 to 74. My power has been slashed from 76k to 57k. Similar scaling across the rest of my stats, and I've had about 10k HP shaved off.
This isn't a bug, Robert. This is how the game is meant to be... This is "Working As Intended."
This is a disgrace...
Question are you running the expeditions with runes? If so random negatives happen one of which is decreasing power and def. that may explain your power being lowered.... I never had my stats lowered in them without the "rune traps" being activated.
No runes. I haven't even been given the option to use those.
Most games have scaling which I think is good as it means you cam play all content at a reasonable challenge instead of walking through mobs with a few button bashes. Never had problems with scaling and am not having problems in this game either.
In this case you are one in a million. Enjoy the fun while you can. Lots don't.
Well in that case they need to learn to play the game. I bet its only button mashers that are finding it difficult
Can you please share vidoe of playing demo with fun ? I really like to see how u having fun in game and we all not .
The fact that im playing shows im having fun. If I wasn't I would have quit. Look at other MMOs like Elderscrolls online as an example. They have scaling but you don't see people whinging about it
Pony up the proof. Show me on ESO where, because I was three levels higher than the *story mission*, because I leveled up from *daring* to play their game, I had my stats slashed in half.
Again. In going from 74 to 77, I gained about 2k HP. Full stop. That's it. I get to the second expedition, and without activating any runes (again, I'm not even given the option to do so), what happens? "BEEP BOOP, Adjusting level. All stats reduced by 30,000. Enjoy your game...."
In summary: scaling is borked. The person responsible should be fired and blacklisted. Not because it's hard. I love a good challenge. But because this *kills* any sense of progression. I'm running around the main area of Wyllywood right now, desperately attempting to avoid combat. Not because its difficult, but because the NWO devs have done something I thought impossible. They've made leveling up your character, the oldest, truest form of letting a player know "you have made progress. You have accomplished something" in a D&D game, a punishment to be avoided at all costs!
All zones in ESO, and I'll give you one better, GW 2 are scaled, because any level player can, and may be playing in them. To get Caldwell's Silver, and Caldwell's Gold achievements, in ESO, you must play the faction stories from the other two factions, on the character that's already finished the main story. Hint: You're not running around at max level in those zones, you are leveled down to the appropriate level. If you want the skyshards from a particular zone, you're going to be downscaled to the appropriate levels for the zone. The inherent flaw with ESO's system, as far as I'm concerned, is that Champion Points are account wide, and can be used by any toon on your account after you start earning them.
*massages forehead*
Alright. I'm gonna operate in good faith and assume you misunderstood me. Forgive me if this comes off as being a tad aggressive. I'm not denying that ESO has scaling. What I am demanding proof of is scaling that is this screwed up. If you want, I've got screenshots to prove it, and I'll do my best to figure out how to upload them, but here's the gist of it.
I'm still running my level 70 gear from modules 11-15 (because as a CW, there are some items that were BIS that were several mods old, such as the enduring boots from Omu, which give a 3% damage boost when your stamina is above 75%). At level 74, my baseline stats were around 214k HP, 76k power, etc. If I had gone on the expedition story quest at that level, nothing would have happened, I'd have still been fine. However, because the *campaign mission EXP awards themselves* pushed me into 77, I got scaled.
You know what I got, stat wise, for those three levels? My HP was pushed up to 216k. 2k HP was it. Full stop. And anyone who has played Undermountain knows how meaningless that is, because the trash mobs can take five times that from you by farting in your general direction.
So. What happened when I was auto-scaled to 74? Rather than fighting the enemy with a power level of 76k (Again, this is what my power level was at level 74 and at level 77, I was automatically scaled down to a power level of 57k. My Critical Strike was scaled from 72k to 48k. My defense went from 43k to 28k. And those are just some examples of my stats being slashed from 25-40+%, because I was *three levels over* the maximum level.
It didn't look at my gear and take the time to go "Oh, I see you're level 77, but you're still using gear, enchants, etc. from level 70, let me just tweak this a little to lower you max HP" or the like, it *crippled* my character my setting my stats to a mere fraction of what they were, had I been able to access it three levels sooner. But because this game hands out levelups in the 70-80 area like a diabetic trying to get rid of a candy stash they found in their home, I was actively punished. NWO was crippling my character because I *dared* to actually play the game as it is supposed to be played.
That's what I'm trying to get you to show me proof of. I want you to show me that there's a place in ESO, where a 3 level scaling results in a 25-40% drop in stats to the character.
I await your proof.
Again, if you're being scaled at all in Undermountain, bug report it, because it's not supposed to be happening from what I read on the preview server. So bug report it, and see what they say.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
I've been told its WAI. The expeditions are scaled, as are the Heroics. My guild and I have reported it. But we've not been advised that's wrong.
At the very least, if it *is* a bug, its a terrifying indication that there was absolutely *no* QA testing done by the devs, because this is part of their new module campaign. I.E. "This should have been run a few dozen to a few hundred times across the board to make sure it was working properly, especially if you were working on this for a full year." They need to take some of the money they make from selling coal wards and repainted horses and hire some professional beta testers if they claim they don't have time.
I've been told its WAI. The expeditions are scaled, as are the Heroics. My guild and I have reported it. But we've not been advised that's wrong.
At the very least, if it *is* a bug, its a terrifying indication that there was absolutely *no* QA testing done by the devs, because this is part of their new module campaign. I.E. "This should have been run a few dozen to a few hundred times across the board to make sure it was working properly, especially if you were working on this for a full year." They need to take some of the money they make from selling coal wards and repainted horses and hire some professional beta testers if they claim they don't have time.
The very mention of QA scares the hell outta me. It's the reason I'm here, instead of playing the last MMO I was in, since their QA team was convinced that a DPS class was actually a tank, despite the entire skillset prior to 150 being built around ditching aggro instead of picking it up.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
I've been told its WAI. The expeditions are scaled, as are the Heroics. My guild and I have reported it. But we've not been advised that's wrong.
At the very least, if it *is* a bug, its a terrifying indication that there was absolutely *no* QA testing done by the devs, because this is part of their new module campaign. I.E. "This should have been run a few dozen to a few hundred times across the board to make sure it was working properly, especially if you were working on this for a full year." They need to take some of the money they make from selling coal wards and repainted horses and hire some professional beta testers if they claim they don't have time.
The very mention of QA scares the hell outta me. It's the reason I'm here, instead of playing the last MMO I was in, since their QA team was convinced that a DPS class was actually a tank, despite the entire skillset prior to 150 being built around ditching aggro instead of picking it up.
Well, since my post got eaten, let me try this again.
You have my sympathies.
For me, bug or not, this is infuriating. Because yes, there were some parts of the game that were easy for me, but that was because I had a 16+K main with a lot of BIS gear and even my pack mule alts had some nice stuff too. However, there were still portions of the game I had never finished (I never got through Death God's cradle for one, because PUGging that is a nightmare and I couldn't get enough coordination for it with premade, and I never managed to get through Count Von "Totally-Not-Dracula's" abode either.)
For me, though, one of my favorite things to do was to carry. I loved going to help my guildmates through some of the more difficult content. One of my greatest triumphs was helping to be the primary DPS of our first TONG completion a few months ago. I still have the screenshots and pics I took of us standing there, triumphant at the end. I liked being able to jump in and help them overcome some of the more difficult content for them, like FBI and Spellplague and the like.
Thanks to the borked up scaling, I can't do that anymore. Because the moment I try to do that, as that first expedition proved, I become a liability, not an asset. I cannot be relied upon to help CC and DPS. Instead, it becomes "Operation: Combat Babysit Eravan" where *I* have to be carried through the dungeon. I am no longer an aid to my friends. I am a burden, and I have to stay away from such things.
It's infuriating, and its killed my desire to progress beyond the story campaign.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
Again, if you're being scaled at all in Undermountain, bug report it, because it's not supposed to be happening from what I read on the preview server. So bug report it, and see what they say.
Eh? Of course you are getting scaled in Undermountain. I made the mistake of having my guild XP boon turned on while I did the campaign, and accidentally leveled up a bit too early ... went from 100K power to 82K power in a few seconds.
Also, the runic HEs in Undermountain scale you down (which is just plain silly - you have no reason to do them unless you are lvl 80 and have finished the campaign, so why not just make them lvl 80 content in the first place?)
Hoping for improvements...
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
I've been told its WAI. The expeditions are scaled, as are the Heroics.
New 15.7k (was about 14.5 before mod) and got creamed in the second expedition. Found someone doing very little damage to team up, but he revived me a number of times and kept mobs attention busy which was great. Once the skilled avas will go through, will be a massacre. Also did few HE out of curiosity, no rewards yet and I realized I gain experience for nothing - not desirable in the current situation. My other main and alts will be doomed if I do not stop invoking.
Yeah. I've turned off that boon, and stopped invoking on my main (yay, now I no longer have a chance to get a free a time when they're more expensive than ever...but also more useless than ever so nothing lost, I suppose).
Again, if you're being scaled at all in Undermountain, bug report it, because it's not supposed to be happening from what I read on the preview server. So bug report it, and see what they say.
Eh? Of course you are getting scaled in Undermountain. I made the mistake of having my guild XP boon turned on while I did the campaign, and accidentally leveled up a bit too early ... went from 100K power to 82K power in a few seconds.
Also, the runic HEs in Undermountain scale you down (which is just plain silly - you have no reason to do them unless you are lvl 80 and have finished the campaign, so why not just make them lvl 80 content in the first place?)
This is not a bug ... it is "working as intended"
According to the discussions on the test shard forums, it's not working as intended, as it's not supposed to be scaled at all. Unless I totally missed some specific references, which is possible, I'm old, and forgetful. I would submit the report, and see what comes back.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
Again, if you're being scaled at all in Undermountain, bug report it, because it's not supposed to be happening from what I read on the preview server. So bug report it, and see what they say.
Eh? Of course you are getting scaled in Undermountain. I made the mistake of having my guild XP boon turned on while I did the campaign, and accidentally leveled up a bit too early ... went from 100K power to 82K power in a few seconds.
Also, the runic HEs in Undermountain scale you down (which is just plain silly - you have no reason to do them unless you are lvl 80 and have finished the campaign, so why not just make them lvl 80 content in the first place?)
This is not a bug ... it is "working as intended"
According to the discussions on the test shard forums, it's not working as intended, as it's not supposed to be scaled at all. Unless I totally missed some specific references, which is possible, I'm old, and forgetful. I would submit the report, and see what comes back.
Can't hurt to try again. But either way, it smacks of a rush job. Either it is WAI, in which case, I can only surmise that a deal with some lovecraftian entity was struck to be able to understand the math and the logic behind it, or it isn't, and they mucked up their module so badly that the "core" experience of it, clearly wasn't playtested.
Forgive me if I sound hyperbolic, but if this isn't WAI, it's a near "Aliens: Colonial Marines 'Tether'" level screwup.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
Again, if you're being scaled at all in Undermountain, bug report it, because it's not supposed to be happening from what I read on the preview server.
Uh, of course it is supposed to be scaled. I mean, noworries wrote "However, Runic Encounters were setup with level scaling, but we are currently looking into if we are going to change that over to item level scaling." for example.
Again, if you're being scaled at all in Undermountain, bug report it, because it's not supposed to be happening from what I read on the preview server.
Uh, of course it is supposed to be scaled. I mean, noworries wrote "However, Runic Encounters were setup with level scaling, but we are currently looking into if we are going to change that over to item level scaling." for example.
That was my understanding. And apologies, I think you meant to quote Robert. But in my case, I botched my quote up above. Sorry about that.
I'm having fun. But lets not kid ourselves. Scaling is broken as all hell atm. And NOT working as intended. Where their scaling is working is ok, a bit harder but ok. I didn't have any problems in Dread Ring and Sharandar with a (previously) geared 70. But Blacklake was ridiculously harder.
Scaling isn't new, and is used in nearly every MMO I've played. They just have to adjust it to be more balanced. It's not easy and hopefully they'll get it right before too many people leave. There are plenty of games out there, but you are deluding yourselves if you think the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. I'm still sticking with NWO.
I'm having fun. But lets not kid ourselves. Scaling is broken as all hell atm. And NOT working as intended. Where their scaling is working is ok, a bit harder but ok. I didn't have any problems in Dread Ring and Sharandar with a (previously) geared 70. But Blacklake was ridiculously harder.
Scaling isn't new, and is used in nearly every MMO I've played. They just have to adjust it to be more balanced. It's not easy and hopefully they'll get it right before too many people leave. There are plenty of games out there, but you are deluding yourselves if you think the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. I'm still sticking with NWO.
You see, that's the thing that puzzles me about this. They introduced this disaster of a module, they made the one thing that 90% of their economy (Coal/Pres wards) utterly irrelevant by how badly they nerfed Enchants into the ground, and they seem to be repeating all of the mistakes they made in Module 6, 4 years ago, all over again, while acting high and mighty and behaving as though Neverwinter is somehow the only High Fantasy MMO out there....
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost swear (and I admit that this is tinfoil hat conspiracy theory territory, and that one should traditionally not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity), I'd almost swear this was a deliberate attempt to kill off the game to free up more resources for the Magic the Gathering MMO they got the rights to a while back...
I think the difficulty is great. Less ad in the game since its now a little harder to get. Ran two epic demos today and got silver reward both times. I tried a pug run of epic grey wolf den and we couldnt take out the boss. Not because of the difficulty but because some players still dont know they need to kill the pink wolf close to the boss to remove its immunity. It wears out the tank when ads keep spawning and heals get drained constantly needing to dodge. We would have finished it if everyone knew what to do.
The feat changes are disappointing for sure but there is actually fun in the game again. Dungeons aren't a snoozefest anymore and players can't text on their phones while playing eDemo.
I'm having fun. But lets not kid ourselves. Scaling is broken as all hell atm. And NOT working as intended. Where their scaling is working is ok, a bit harder but ok. I didn't have any problems in Dread Ring and Sharandar with a (previously) geared 70. But Blacklake was ridiculously harder.
Scaling isn't new, and is used in nearly every MMO I've played. They just have to adjust it to be more balanced. It's not easy and hopefully they'll get it right before too many people leave. There are plenty of games out there, but you are deluding yourselves if you think the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. I'm still sticking with NWO.
You see, that's the thing that puzzles me about this. They introduced this disaster of a module, they made the one thing that 90% of their economy (Coal/Pres wards) utterly irrelevant by how badly they nerfed Enchants into the ground, and they seem to be repeating all of the mistakes they made in Module 6, 4 years ago, all over again, while acting high and mighty and behaving as though Neverwinter is somehow the only High Fantasy MMO out there....
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost swear (and I admit that this is tinfoil hat conspiracy theory territory, and that one should traditionally not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity), I'd almost swear this was a deliberate attempt to kill off the game to free up more resources for the Magic the Gathering MMO they got the rights to a while back...
I have no problems with the top end enchants giving less value. This is how it should always have been. Rather than ballooning out. Diminishing returns is how it works in STO, hasn't stopped me (or anybody else) from upgrading stuff. Crazy OCD people will always upgrade stuff. But at least this means the majority f2p population doesn't get completely outclassed by not having the super top enchants simply because they can't afford the time or money for it.
I think the difficulty is great. Less ad in the game since its now a little harder to get. Ran two epic demos today and got silver reward both times. I tried a pug run of epic grey wolf den and we couldnt take out the boss. Not because of the difficulty but because some players still dont know they need to kill the pink wolf close to the boss to remove its immunity. It wears out the tank when ads keep spawning and heals get drained constantly needing to dodge. We would have finished it if everyone knew what to do.
The feat changes are disappointing for sure but there is actually fun in the game again. Dungeons aren't a snoozefest anymore and players can't text on their phones while playing eDemo.
Yeah, got a friend who mains a GF who completely agrees with you. He loves the fact that he actually has to PLAY his toon rather than just go thru a rotation like a robot. While it seems solo'ing is certainly taking a hit, grouping is actually a LOT more fun now for us.
That Grey Wolf Den story you gave is a perfect example of what happened to us too. We were getting hammered. Until one of us remembered the actual mechanics And the satisfaction of actually finishing the run was something that we'd not had in a looong time.
I think the difficulty is great. Less ad in the game since its now a little harder to get. Ran two epic demos today and got silver reward both times. I tried a pug run of epic grey wolf den and we couldnt take out the boss. Not because of the difficulty but because some players still dont know they need to kill the pink wolf close to the boss to remove its immunity. It wears out the tank when ads keep spawning and heals get drained constantly needing to dodge. We would have finished it if everyone knew what to do.
The feat changes are disappointing for sure but there is actually fun in the game again. Dungeons aren't a snoozefest anymore and players can't text on their phones while playing eDemo.
I did two attempts in manycoin bank (RIQ) and the groups got overwhelmed by mobs no way to get it done in a medium group. I did a RLQ -Dread Legion and it took very long to get that little AD and the poor loot, too long. I did another RLQ and the mobs died like flies - Cragmire Crypt. I did RAQ - FBI and it was a 1:30 pain to get to the boss. If you queue in RAQ there are no groups actually playing, they stopped doing daily runs, 90% fail If there are only 100 player left enjoying this game it´s not enough. If you can´t run your daily AD and grind the game in an adaequat time, it`s too much invest to care about, same as annoying, since you can´t adept your stats. -> it´s Free to play= grind, a big number of player take part due to free access, if it was a monthly fee there would be less concern on my side, but it isn´t. The scaling is broken and the devs only did half work concerning dungeons same as parts of the new mod are not accessible. The biggest concern is , that progress get´s punished, wich is the outstanding and a never seen innovation cryptic implemented in this game. Bis player are downscaled to zero and can´t kill a fly in low level areas as stated, broken, simple as that. Nothing like this should get released, a car with only 2 wheels is not benefitial to improve customers acceptance in the long run.
lantern22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,111Arc User
I'm just progressing a couple of toons through the campaign and gearing them up via the expeditions. need to give them a chance to fix the bugs.
What irritates me most about this "upgrade" is that I have 12k zen. I feel Neverwinter did a bait and switch on me. I spent my money expecting one thing and they switched it on me. I can't get a refund and Arc won't transfer my money to another game (I checked). I am switching mmo's and have to leave money on the table, that is what upsets me. I have played other games that have not listened to their customer based and in the end are no longer here, i.e. Marvel Heroes. It is also upsetting that I have 9 end game toons that I dedicated a lot of time to and now playing them is tedious and boring where a game should be challenging and fun.
I am not against scaling if done correctly however: I can't do Bruener quests now because I was sent to Pirates Skyhold and was scaled to 60th level and had to fight mobs of 71st level monsters. I can't collect the Elemental Evil motes because of the scaling.
So instead lets waste some time fishing for maps in the Sea of Ice...oh wait. That is broke also. Not to mention getting around the Sea of Ice is even more painful now that the ship speed is set to crawl. (Devs explain how that makes game play better).
There are other things that may not be broke but are otherwise irritating. For instance, now I have to right click on my name to see what buffs are active. And treasure is almost non-existence. All those bags of holding are now pretty much a waste.
Well it was a good run while it lasted. I might check back when/if Mod 17 comes out. Peace out!
What irritates me most about this "upgrade" is that I have 12k zen. I feel Neverwinter did a bait and switch on me. I spent my money expecting one thing and they switched it on me. I can't get a refund and Arc won't transfer my money to another game (I checked). I am switching mmo's and have to leave money on the table, that is what upsets me. I have played other games that have not listened to their customer based and in the end are no longer here, i.e. Marvel Heroes. It is also upsetting that I have 9 end game toons that I dedicated a lot of time to and now playing them is tedious and boring where a game should be challenging and fun.
Relay the story to everyone. Make sure they understand what it means to commit Zen to this game. I.E. It's a bad idea right now. They pulled this stunt on Module 6, and with VIP. It's part of a demonstrable, repeating pattern of behavior.
Ditch zone scaling and just scale chest loot table. As well as allow an option to scale an adventure like K-teams.
Leave the newest expansion alone and maybe the one before it. No loot scaling unless the player chooses to scale it for better loot drops.
Scale chest loot table for past expansions, this way people can catch up with their boons or if they just feel like running their level 80 toon around in a level 10 zone for revenge killing all the orcs.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
He he.. more like few thousands. Real game population can be easily appraised by jumping zones and count population instances. Did it once...about 5000 players + SH and special areas which for sure is way less than that. Western server. And was around RD / Chult time, which was pretty good re attendance.
5000 players online at the same is close, but not exact - there are big swings depending on the time of day, and you also have players in dungeons and such outside zones. It is not off by an order of magnitude. Then you can attempt the percentage of players online at any given time (say 5-10%) and come up with a total of 50.000-100.000 active players on the server. Sounds about right to me.
It's just scaling to discourage that kind of gameplay but I'd guess it has to and will be improved...
Sorry I missed something in the context here. Inquiring minds want to know.
Discourage what kind of gameplay?
A level 70 toon cleaning up in a level 10 area? Who cares? They don't earn any XP, the rewards for an end level toon are next to nil in Blacklake - to my knowledge, a new level 5 - 10 toon isn't being hurt, in any form or fashion, by a level 70 toon on the same map - so why scale the content there?
Who was demanding scaling in Blacklake? How was the previous set up hurting anyone?
Alright. I'm gonna operate in good faith and assume you misunderstood me. Forgive me if this comes off as being a tad aggressive. I'm not denying that ESO has scaling. What I am demanding proof of is scaling that is this screwed up. If you want, I've got screenshots to prove it, and I'll do my best to figure out how to upload them, but here's the gist of it.
I'm still running my level 70 gear from modules 11-15 (because as a CW, there are some items that were BIS that were several mods old, such as the enduring boots from Omu, which give a 3% damage boost when your stamina is above 75%). At level 74, my baseline stats were around 214k HP, 76k power, etc. If I had gone on the expedition story quest at that level, nothing would have happened, I'd have still been fine. However, because the *campaign mission EXP awards themselves* pushed me into 77, I got scaled.
You know what I got, stat wise, for those three levels? My HP was pushed up to 216k. 2k HP was it. Full stop. And anyone who has played Undermountain knows how meaningless that is, because the trash mobs can take five times that from you by farting in your general direction.
So. What happened when I was auto-scaled to 74? Rather than fighting the enemy with a power level of 76k (Again, this is what my power level was at level 74 and at level 77, I was automatically scaled down to a power level of 57k. My Critical Strike was scaled from 72k to 48k. My defense went from 43k to 28k. And those are just some examples of my stats being slashed from 25-40+%, because I was *three levels over* the maximum level.
It didn't look at my gear and take the time to go "Oh, I see you're level 77, but you're still using gear, enchants, etc. from level 70, let me just tweak this a little to lower you max HP" or the like, it *crippled* my character my setting my stats to a mere fraction of what they were, had I been able to access it three levels sooner. But because this game hands out levelups in the 70-80 area like a diabetic trying to get rid of a candy stash they found in their home, I was actively punished. NWO was crippling my character because I *dared* to actually play the game as it is supposed to be played.
That's what I'm trying to get you to show me proof of. I want you to show me that there's a place in ESO, where a 3 level scaling results in a 25-40% drop in stats to the character.
I await your proof.
At the very least, if it *is* a bug, its a terrifying indication that there was absolutely *no* QA testing done by the devs, because this is part of their new module campaign. I.E. "This should have been run a few dozen to a few hundred times across the board to make sure it was working properly, especially if you were working on this for a full year." They need to take some of the money they make from selling coal wards and repainted horses and hire some professional beta testers if they claim they don't have time.
You have my sympathies.
For me, bug or not, this is infuriating. Because yes, there were some parts of the game that were easy for me, but that was because I had a 16+K main with a lot of BIS gear and even my pack mule alts had some nice stuff too. However, there were still portions of the game I had never finished (I never got through Death God's cradle for one, because PUGging that is a nightmare and I couldn't get enough coordination for it with premade, and I never managed to get through Count Von "Totally-Not-Dracula's" abode either.)
For me, though, one of my favorite things to do was to carry. I loved going to help my guildmates through some of the more difficult content. One of my greatest triumphs was helping to be the primary DPS of our first TONG completion a few months ago. I still have the screenshots and pics I took of us standing there, triumphant at the end. I liked being able to jump in and help them overcome some of the more difficult content for them, like FBI and Spellplague and the like.
Thanks to the borked up scaling, I can't do that anymore. Because the moment I try to do that, as that first expedition proved, I become a liability, not an asset. I cannot be relied upon to help CC and DPS. Instead, it becomes "Operation: Combat Babysit Eravan" where *I* have to be carried through the dungeon. I am no longer an aid to my friends. I am a burden, and I have to stay away from such things.
It's infuriating, and its killed my desire to progress beyond the story campaign.
Also, the runic HEs in Undermountain scale you down (which is just plain silly - you have no reason to do them unless you are lvl 80 and have finished the campaign, so why not just make them lvl 80 content in the first place?)
According to the discussions on the test shard forums, it's not working as intended, as it's not supposed to be scaled at all. Unless I totally missed some specific references, which is possible, I'm old, and forgetful. I would submit the report, and see what comes back.
Can't hurt to try again. But either way, it smacks of a rush job. Either it is WAI, in which case, I can only surmise that a deal with some lovecraftian entity was struck to be able to understand the math and the logic behind it, or it isn't, and they mucked up their module so badly that the "core" experience of it, clearly wasn't playtested.
Forgive me if I sound hyperbolic, but if this isn't WAI, it's a near "Aliens: Colonial Marines 'Tether'" level screwup.
Scaling isn't new, and is used in nearly every MMO I've played. They just have to adjust it to be more balanced. It's not easy and hopefully they'll get it right before too many people leave. There are plenty of games out there, but you are deluding yourselves if you think the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. I'm still sticking with NWO.
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost swear (and I admit that this is tinfoil hat conspiracy theory territory, and that one should traditionally not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity), I'd almost swear this was a deliberate attempt to kill off the game to free up more resources for the Magic the Gathering MMO they got the rights to a while back...
The feat changes are disappointing for sure but there is actually fun in the game again. Dungeons aren't a snoozefest anymore and players can't text on their phones while playing eDemo.
That Grey Wolf Den story you gave is a perfect example of what happened to us too. We were getting hammered. Until one of us remembered the actual mechanics
I did a RLQ -Dread Legion and it took very long to get that little AD and the poor loot, too long.
I did another RLQ and the mobs died like flies - Cragmire Crypt.
I did RAQ - FBI and it was a 1:30 pain to get to the boss.
If you queue in RAQ there are no groups actually playing, they stopped doing daily runs, 90% fail
If there are only 100 player left enjoying this game it´s not enough. If you can´t run your daily AD and grind the game in an adaequat time, it`s too much invest to care about, same as annoying, since you can´t adept your stats.
-> it´s Free to play= grind, a big number of player take part due to free access, if it was a monthly fee there would be less concern on my side, but it isn´t.
The scaling is broken and the devs only did half work concerning dungeons same as parts of the new mod are not accessible.
The biggest concern is , that progress get´s punished, wich is the outstanding and a never seen innovation cryptic implemented in this game.
Bis player are downscaled to zero and can´t kill a fly in low level areas as stated, broken, simple as that.
Nothing like this should get released, a car with only 2 wheels is not benefitial to improve customers acceptance in the long run.
Just remove horrible scaling though
I am not against scaling if done correctly however:
I can't do Bruener quests now because I was sent to Pirates Skyhold and was scaled to 60th level and had to fight mobs of 71st level monsters.
I can't collect the Elemental Evil motes because of the scaling.
So instead lets waste some time fishing for maps in the Sea of Ice...oh wait. That is broke also.
Not to mention getting around the Sea of Ice is even more painful now that the ship speed is set to crawl. (Devs explain how that makes game play better).
There are other things that may not be broke but are otherwise irritating.
For instance, now I have to right click on my name to see what buffs are active.
And treasure is almost non-existence. All those bags of holding are now pretty much a waste.
Well it was a good run while it lasted. I might check back when/if Mod 17 comes out. Peace out!
Leave the newest expansion alone and maybe the one before it. No loot scaling unless the player chooses to scale it for better loot drops.
Scale chest loot table for past expansions, this way people can catch up with their boons or if they just feel like running their level 80 toon around in a level 10 zone for revenge killing all the orcs.