Let me start off by saying i am a firmly stand by the statement that IL does not dictate your skill level. That being said, i play a 15k OP and i constantly find myself in random advanced Q's with People / team compositions that are unable to get the job done. If someone is not able to Q for a certain dungeon they should not be allowed to Q into it via random advanced Q. Time and time again i find myself at the start of FBI with people who don't even have the required everfrost resistance to join the instance in the first place. So i am left with a few choices, Plug away at it for 15 minutes and HOPE people vote yes to abandon instance, Hope someone leaves and takes the 30 minute cooldown so i can leave without getting one or decline every single random advance Q that does not say it is 0/10 members (for Edemo / Sva ). Matchmaking in the random advance q is a nightmare. 95% of the time i click accept on a 0/5 Q it ends up being 30 minutes of trying and then it is abandoned or someone quits. MSP, FBI and MSVA belong in the same category as ToNg and CodG in my opinion if you are going to put them into random Qs. It is nearly impossible to get my random dailies done without fishing for 0/10 Q's or building the perfect team from my alliance chat. Another example i have not done Cloaked Ascendancy campaign yet i can randomly Q into master spell plague. Its not bad since i am almost 16k but for the other people in there its difficult and forces stronger people to have to carry them just to abandon instance anyways.
Sure, you can make a premade group Heal/Tank/3xDPS group and queue up together and run the content without problems, but if you queue up solo there is a very high chance you will just be wasting your time.
I could not care less about player that stumble into advanced queue, armed with a broomstick and a frying pan. Simply trolls on their way to pull some AD from the commmunity.
No, for the Advanced queue you want a group of decently-geared and reasonably skilled players - and you are not going to get that unless you queue up as a premade group - say DC/OP/CW/SW/dps or something like that (assuming you are not cheating to bypass the heal/tank/3dps rule).