For my HB SW I am usually running Brood of Hadar and Tyrannical. This works great most of the time, but I have been noticing both are lackluster when facing mobs of small enemies. Not dungeons as I’d want to leave this setup for bosses. But things like IG or any of the demonic heroics. I can usually fire off 2-3 dailies on those heroics and many many more on IG. But whichever power I use the target is gone seconds later. Is there a better daily for these situations, something that hits multiple targets or has an ongoing effect? I don’t think so from reading the tooltips but didn’t know if I was missing something.
No real need to target and big radius.
AC , BoH (broken) and TC, that´s the ones I use as Hellbringer, Gates is too slow very often in groups with another dps.