Not sure if its a text bug or whats going on. But when u donate Seal of Triumph to the guild coffers u donate in blocks of 10. So 10 seals = 1 conquer's shard of power. But when u look over the stronghold coffer list, it states that u donated 10 conquer's shards of power with seals of triumph.
When u donate 10 seals the coffer gets 1 shard. But the list states the coffer gained 10 shards.
Not sure if the list is stating wrong or the donation is giving the wrong amount. I hope its the last thing, cause the conquer's shards are hard enough to come by as is, compared to all the other shards.
When I put 1: (1 means 10; because it is: Donate Seal of Triumph 1 x10)
You are donating: 10/60 (I have 60 in my bank)
Coffer gain: 1
Your gain: 10
Theres a picture of the donation list. It says i donated 10 shards. But that was a 10 seal donation, so actually only 1 shard got in the coffers.