Guild Leader: Faero Malikite, Ray Oathbringer, Freeblast, Donn Armorsmith, Areena Ashbringer, and Tudai Four
Guild Contact:
@rayzer628 ,
@rayzer8912 Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Community and Friendship
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Guild Current Size: Stronghold level 13
Guild Size Goal: Max it out at a casual pace
Guild Type: Casual, family friendly, social
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, CST, PST, MST, international
Alliance: Noble Misfits
Description:The Repeat-Offenders Network a started in 2005 in the City of Heroes MMO and has a foot print in most major MMO's currently running. We have been in NW since beta and are a casual family friendly no drama Guild that looks at helping people grow and have fun more than min/maxing the game. We have experienced players as well as a large Alliance to help new and experienced members get the most out of the game.
The Repeat-Offenders Network is a family friendly and casual guild, we are looking for new members between levels 60 -70.
We were started in 2005 as part of the City of Heroes expansion and still play multiple MMO's and RPGs together. We have been in NW since pre-beta but have only recently started recruiting. We are part of a large alliance and play during all time zones. We look forward to getting you on board and started with the Guild! pst or email me in game for an invite,
@faeromalikite or post your in game handle here and i will invite in game!