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Mod 12b Potion Changes

draconislupusdraconislupus Member Posts: 205 Arc User
I posted this in the PvP changes thread but I think it needs more attention than to be buried there.

Greetings Fellow Explorers,
In preparation for module 12B’s debut we thought we would break down all of the great PvP changes coming your way. Please keep in mind that we plan to continue making additional adjustments in the future, and these are merely the adjustments we have planned for the upcoming module.
Please take some time to digest these changes and give us feedback. That feedback may help shape our plans for future changes. Now lets get to the meat of this post.


Potion Changes
We have also addressed a longstanding issue with players being able to obtain an excessive amount of buffs from consumables. This change was not made specifically with PvP in mind, however, as it affects PvP, I will be outlining the changes here. Full details will be available in the preview patch notes.

Almost all items that give 5+ minute buffs are grouped into one of 7 categories.
Potion: Includes alchemy potions, and most misc. game potions. (Those that had "elixir" in their names have had it replaced with "potion".)
Elixir: Includes the invocation potions, and a few other "super" potions that are hard/expensive to get but have big effects (e.g., Potion of Heroism, now renamed to Elixir of Heroism).
Stronghold Food
Event Food
Reusable Item: Includes items like Tymora's Lucky Coin or Adorable Pocket Pet
Non-food Event
A player can have at most 1 active buff from each category.
If a player has a buff from a category, and then uses something else in that category, the old buff goes away and is replaced by the new buff regardless of the buff’s strength.
There are a few buffs that live outside of these rules due to their narrow focus:
Potion of Dragon Slaying
Scroll of Protection from Dragon Slaying
Shard of Permafrost
Everfrost Resist Potions

As always your feedback is instrumental, so please give them a try, take some time to digest the changes and then send us your feedback!

A. This really should be in its own thread because this effects all aspects of the game, and no it is not even mentioned in the patch notes. If I hadn't heard about it I would not have seen it to comment on because I don't do PvP. I'm not sure if this was an oversight or not but it needs fixed. I hate to think that it was an attempt to slip it in inner the radar. I think that I will try finding a place to post it too.

B. I really do think that stacking is causing an over buff issue, but it could be handled better.

1. Your categories are right and they are wrong.

Your categories should be the following with subcategories (I've added 1 category and not all categories may be currently in use):

Elixirs: Normal, Guild, Event, and Unique.
Foods: Normal, Guild, Event, and Unique.
Potions: Normal, Guild, Event, and Unique.
Salves: Normal, Guild, Event, and Unique.
Scrolls: Normal, Guild, Event, and Unique.

And then (added because they give temp buffs):
Pocket Pets

Now, I think only 1 item in each subcategory should be allowed at a time. I know your thinking 20 total will be to much , but apply the law of diminishing returns to any items the boost the same thing. Starting with what has the highest buff and then go in descending order. If someone could actually have 20 items that could buff the same thing and had items that were all worth 1k each after diminishing returns they would only just barely break 2k buff, by less than 0.1 point. So 20 1k buffs to get 2k bonus. Even though this couldn't happen no one would do it.

2. The Tymora's Lucky Coin and Pocket Pet. These should remain separate categories and be allowed to have at the same time for a couple reasons.

a. These are unique, so far, items that come from events that you want players to participate in. For example, I have the Pocket Pet from the Day of the Dungeon Master and was planning on farming the up coming Tymora event for the Lucky Coin on my main, and alts, but I don't know if I will now if I can't used them both there is no point once I have one of them.

b. Their buffs really only help low level players and that is fine because a lot of the time they need those buffs.

c. High level players have and really only use them as a novelty because the randomness and the actual buff make it unreliable and weak. Let's face it the other categories far exceed them. Especially right now.

d. And with this system they would become an even better option for higher level players due to the diminishing returns on the others, but still not be a game breaker. Which means more players participating in events, not less.

e. It opens the door to others of these same types. Think about it the current Pocket Pet randomly buffs Crit, Power, and Regen and debuffs Threat. What's to say another one, say a ferret, wouldn't buff Deflect, Stamina Gain, and Regen and debuff Threat. These new items could be reasons for players to participate in, and more in, older events.

f. But at no point should more than 1 Pocket Pet or more than 1 Coin be able to be used at a time.

3. Diminishing returns gives you better flexibility in the future. So let's say that you start with a 50% diminishing return, which is what I used above, and find out that it still is to much they can be fixed by adjusting quality variable per stat easier than a huge overhaul. Same goes the other way. Or for individual stats.

All in all I think that not only is this a better system now it provides way more future expansion and flexibility.

Edited for clarity and spelling.
Post edited by draconislupus on
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