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Plaguefire stacking

metalicum1metalicum1 Member Posts: 200 Arc User
Can somebody explain to me how Plaguefire stacking works?
Some say the same level does not stack at all, and different levels (pure + trans) stack with extremely low effectiveness.
Can somebody confirm, or provide an explanation?
I'm running Pure PF so that I stack with trans, but this would make it useless.
Aris Meyde CW MoF Renegade

[PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen


  • michela123michela123 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    Plague Fire used to stack at different ranks, but they bugged it with the enchantments rework in module 11. Now if you attack the same target with two Plague Fire of different ranks, they cancel each other. Example: if a player with Trans Plague Fire and another player with Pure Plague Fire attack the same dummy, the final debuff is 0%.

    Here you can find the bug report by Kainan:
    After two months the bug is still there.
    I don’t know if the devs are aware of it.
    Hi @nitocris83. I love you. Please help us save the world.
  • earlgreybeardearlgreybeard Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    good to know,ty
    I wonder if it works at all ranks ie. perfect cancels out the pure plaguefire or lesser cancels out trans ..etc

    I use pure on a protpally .. going have to remember to check party weapon enhancements in future
    Guild Leader Den of the Misfits
  • michela123michela123 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    I checked trans+pure and trans+greater and both combinations were bugged.
  • metalicum1metalicum1 Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    Thank you!
    Aris Meyde CW MoF Renegade

    [PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
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