Title says all, trying to help a friend find a build so he doesn't quit playing because he was running a hellbringer fury build and lost a third to half damage after the patch.
Still running the same build, I think I might of only lost a quarter of my damage. If your friend is one of the people that have to be at the top of the leader boards(I'm going to take a wild guess and say he is) then he might be out of luck. Sw buffs are so good that taking a hit on damage didn't bother me.
Being at the top of the Paingiver board is not everything, I use to think it meant I was the top of my class if I was first. As a Hellbringer / Fury SW...I am happy with being 2nd or 3rd as long as the mobs died and we got loot.
Ive seen about a 10% loss its not terrible still make paingiver enough times to not care, might have to change rotations but im getting better dmg from encounters and brood than tyrannical -SW HB 2800