Terror Squad is an active guild looking for new members.
We constantly run all epic/master dungeons and are always willing to run with any of our members. We also use a mobile app called Band as our guild forum, that we would like you to join, but it is not required. With that being said, lets get to the-
We ask that everyone requesting to join is over 2000 iL, be active, donate to the guild, be mature, and have a sense of humor.
What can we run?
Anything. Our members range from 2000-3000+ iL. Need to farm lostmauth? No problem. Etos? Who needs pesticides when you can summon a knife from the sky or melt it with a purple laser beam. Master demo, CN, like I said, everything.
We help one another, demolish mobs together, and laugh at eachother while tackling the hardest content in the game. If you would like to join, please comment below, message me, or search us and contact anyone in the guild in game.