Does anyone know how to display text on-screen .. for example: as the character walks down a hallway.. text appears that says something like: 'you hear voices in the distance' or 'you smell smoke'... etc... Just trying to find a work-around for the sound bug.. but I could use this in several ways. Anyone have any ideas?
then you have a reach waypoint show failed message if that token isnt held in inventory (which it wont be)
@gruffydd has a howto in the mechanics section.
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
I use it a lot, especially with invisible cylinders that have been set to visible only with the negative trigger item, then reversed on visibility. This makes it always there, but with no collision, so you can walk right through it and still interact. Since it's an invisible object, it has no sparkles, so the only time someone knows it's there is if they intersect it, at which point "Press F to ." comes up.
For example, placed over a bones decal, "Press F to investigate the bones." On failed interact (and it always fails, because I've made the never-loaded negative trigger item required for interact) it displays the failure message on-screen, "The bones are definitely human... and appear to have been gnawed on."
The downside: You still have to interact to get the text to pop up. It won't just put text up for you without an interact unless - as stated earlier - you have it linked to a waypoint objective (not, alas, component). As far as I know, you can't set a waypoint component to work with the negative trigger. It only works with interactables. I'll test that, though, and if I'm wrong I'll post a follow-up.
-- @Gruffydd
(If you want to see the mechanics in action, please check out my quest T1: The Village of Hommlet.)