On both LOTRO and Neverwinter Online if I'm running on fullscreen mode it acts like the game isn't there when i get to the character select screen. The screen looks fine, but I can't click on anything, nothing works. In fact if I doubleclick in the right place I can open the program underneath the game. Its like in fullscreen mode the computer doesn't think the game is there.
Yes, I can run it in windowed mode. But, I bought a high end computer with a 4k ultra hd monitor and I have to change the monitors resolution prior to playing the games or I can't read the chatslog or tell whats in my inventory and stuff. The UI things you can't resize. Pre windows 10 I had the fullscreen modes set how I like and I didn't have to screw with the monitor resolution. Plus I din't buy a $6000 computer/monitor/gaming keypad set up to change the resolution every time I play a game.
One interesting note, Star Wars-The Old Republic stopped working (specifically updating) pre Windows 10 but works fine now. I guess I know who wants my money.