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Pahvo TFO bug - sky is black

generaldisaster#4313 generaldisaster Member Posts: 373 Arc User
edited February 2019 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
there is no sky in the TFO, it is just black. in the debug console, at start up of STO, there is this error showing up, which seems to be related to the TFO.

ERROR: SkyDome Sky_Add has only one SkyDomeTime and that one time has an alpha of 0, nothing will be rendered.
File: Environment/Skies/Ground/1_Groundsky_Pahvo_Tfo_02.Sky
Author: Source Control not available
Line: c:\src\libs\GraphicsLib2\GfxSky.cpp(2023)
ERROR: SkyDome Sky_Clouds_Sparse_02 has only one SkyDomeTime and that one time has an alpha of 0, nothing will be render
File: Environment/Skies/Ground/1_Groundsky_Pahvo_Tfo_02.Sky
Line: c:\src\libs\GraphicsLib2\GfxSky.cpp(2023)
ERROR: SkyDome Sky_Add has only one SkyDomeTime and that one time has an alpha of 0, nothing will be rendered.
File: Environment/Skies/Ground/1_Groundsky_Pahvo_Tfo_01.Sky
Line: c:\src\libs\GraphicsLib2\GfxSky.cpp(2023)
ERROR: SkyDome Sky_Clouds_Sparse_02 has only one SkyDomeTime and that one time has an alpha of 0, nothing will be render
File: Environment/Skies/Ground/1_Groundsky_Pahvo_Tfo_01.Sky
Line: c:\src\libs\GraphicsLib2\GfxSky.cpp(2023)

this seems to be a coding error on the part of the devs. please fix it soon.

to replicate

1. start Startrekonline.exe and and gameclient.exe both with the -console flag
2. launch and login to game normally
3. error will be logged as game client loads in the extra windows that contains the console output
4. play the tfo
5. look up while in the tfo.
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