nottunyx Arc User


  • Really? i've been told in game by numerous people that DD classes (DB/SIN etc) are the way to go if you cant afford godly gears as they can still pwn people who outgear them/can still stand a chance in pk with mediocre gear.
  • Full deity if you can imo. Sins are a DD class, not support class in pvp/mass pk (well you CAN play support but tbh roll a bm instead if ur into that) For Example, imo it's okay-ish for other LA DD (exmp.archer) to shard JOSD because they can chill around staying alive purging people with their bow during mass pk As a sin…
  • every day we stray further from god's light
  • Basically what class is the best to play/pvp with without having to sold your car in order to stand a chance? for example i've been told wizards,seekers,barbs are among those classes that unless you can afford r9s3+12 with jades/deity you shouldn't even bother
  • Sage if you are OP enough to oneshot people with DT, otherwise demon
  • So basically Damage wise, Sins>DB CC skills wise, DB>Sins Tanky/survivability wise, Sins>DB? So how come people always QQ about DB being OP and very rarely about sins being OP??