Worth coming back to PWI?

Lulznotwar - Lost City
Lulznotwar - Lost City Posts: 239 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Barbarian
Hey guys so im a level 90 barb with about 8 mil coin and about the same again in gear worth, is it really worth my time to come back to LC and try again?

I DONT cash shop and i never will i disagree with PWI's money grubbing, but would i be able to farm HH99/Nirv etc assuming i decide to get that far without too many friends? or is the game at the point where if you dont have it you cannot get it?

Your old barb Lulz
RIP spoons
The game is dead
Post edited by Lulznotwar - Lost City on


  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If you have a good faction, you can get pretty much anything.

    Fuzzy has no doubt if you ask around you will get differing opinions as to the state of the game just now, but the best way perhaps to find out is to log in and give it a try.

    8m in coin is enough to get you rolling if you want to try playing the markets in kitty-shop to make your gear, or its enough for about 5 thousand TT runs worth of repairs. Take your pick. If you can get in with a good crew of people, there is nothing (perhaps short of a warsoul) that you can't farm. In fact, with some good help and the average level of gear out there now, the panda suspects it is easier than it has ever been before. b:thanks
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • Lulznotwar - Lost City
    Lulznotwar - Lost City Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    If you have a good faction, you can get pretty much anything.

    Fuzzy has no doubt if you ask around you will get differing opinions as to the state of the game just now, but the best way perhaps to find out is to log in and give it a try.

    8m in coin is enough to get you rolling if you want to try playing the markets in kitty-shop to make your gear, or its enough for about 5 thousand TT runs worth of repairs. Take your pick. If you can get in with a good crew of people, there is nothing (perhaps short of a warsoul) that you can't farm. In fact, with some good help and the average level of gear out there now, the panda suspects it is easier than it has ever been before. b:thanks

    be honest i think my old guild is dead but i have the odd friend who still plays, i guess its worth a try i really lloved the game it has a lot of fun components i guess the state of the game ie cash shop to win really pissed me off, and the fact that PWI really didnt get around to major bug fixes or balance issues, but besides that i gotta say the game was really a whole ton of fun.

    With 8mil i can merchant really a lot of what i want its just more a cost-benefit as to whether i can get some of what i want in the time i have before a certain arena-net game comes out, although i gotta say i really loved my level 90 barb, and it has to be one of the funnest classes to play due to your versatility.

    I might and probably will give it a try although i will certainly ask for as much help i can get from my barb brethren on LC anyway.

    Thanks for the reply Fuzzy you seem to have made a great mod thus far and im just sorry i havent got to know you better you seem to be a cool guy.

    Sorry if im rambling im a little drunk atm b:surrender
    RIP spoons
    The game is dead
  • GohRaL - Sanctuary
    GohRaL - Sanctuary Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well, since your sig say "RIP spoons" it means you already have faced the PACK advent.

    After the first months of anni-pack, where hard-core CSers made a lot of money selling Scroll of Tome, they removed em cuz it was too easy to get those so-rare item.

    After anni packs were removed, they didnt took long time to create the same pack with some lil variation, so now we are always under the influence of this packs sale. Now we are so dependant of this add that, if in the early year of this pack-era the ppl QQ about the packs, now they QQ because they are not on sale, but you know QQ...whatever

    Then we had Tideborns expansion, which probably you have experienced. With this expansion we had 2 new classes (Assassin and Psychic) and a new instance to farm 100equipment (Nirvana). With the massive ammount of tokens shot into the market it wasnt hard to find already lev100 TB after the first months, without even have the possibility to choose the cultivation...We had (and we still have) a lot of QQ about the TB classes (especially SINS) for being OP in pvp and that there's no more the balance it used to be with the 6 former classes.

    At this point people started an infamous trend which have become very popular nowadays and took off some of the well known roles in this game. What am i talking about ? I am talking about APS era...

    If you dont know what's APS which means attack per second, ill tell what i know (very lil). With the packs we had the possibility to achieve some items which were impossible to get before. Im talking about capes and tomes with "-interval between hits" bonus. Those bonus added to another list of gear, such as wrist, armor, pants and weapon can make you reach the 4.0 aps if im not wrong (btw the only weapon that make you reach this stage are fist, claws and daggers). At this point, when you demon spark you can reach the 5.0 stage which is also called permasparked because when you hit at 5.0 aps you generate so many chi that you are able to 3spark immediatly after the eruption ends. To actually be able to reach the permaspark stage you have to be 99+.

    If the game was already on free fall, now its even more. Who could afford this stage was on the top of every event, which lead to make rich people even richer (PWE motto). The Nirvana runs were completed in 10minutes with the good combination of APS dd and debuffer. So PW decided to make nirvana harder since it was a joke for those people, and made VANA bosses able to seal, sleep and whatever (ive never been into vana, so i really dunno).

    Then it was the time of TT to be abused. Since assassin class has a buff that heals you on a certain percentage (2-3%) based on your damage, 5.0 players didnt really need a cleric to do TT bosses. So they could solo every instance from 1-1 to 3-3 just with bloodpaint. In the mean time (or some time before this) PW put a time cap of 4hours on TT because people was using a trick to keep instances open and avoid the subs fee. This in any manner could put a stop to people soloing TTs (maybe venos + herc) cuz APS player took like less than an hour to do the full run.

    Again, PW took his usual long time to even decide what to do, and again spread his motto (rich gets richer). So after letting this people farm for milion a day, they decided to make some bosses very painfull to kill, especially in the 3-x instances. After this change there was A LOT of QQ (including mine!!!), cuz normal squad couldnt farm for their TT90 gear (especially armor) in the right time. If you dont dispose of a very good and experienced team its really hard to take down those bosses (ofc you could get 2 high-APS player and make it faster).

    We had a week when they accidentally reverted back to the original version of TT just before a 2x drop period (immagine what would have happened if it landed right in the 2x), but then they fix that issue and TT90-TT99 is again hard to farm, not impossible, just hard.

    PWI community also went through two other major issues, which in my opinion were fixed for the best, thanks of the major anger the comunity raises (QQ wins for once)

    -TW reward went from ten milion notes to MIRAGES (wtf?). This was an excuse from PW to balance the economy which at the time, if i recall well, was at 600k per gold; and to get more balance between TW faction. This was a massive pile of bull s.hit and the comunity got very angry. MANY people left after this and thing were going very bad, until they decided to revert the reward the way it was, so now its back to 10milion notes. Another add to TW, was the bid to declare war, which now is hidden. That way made it a lil more hard for small faction to actually enter TW...you know the motto but whatever...

    -DQ prices were nerfed by a 20% at NPCs. This also bring massive anger in the community cuz it was the only income the non-hardcore players had, and also for others. So after some time PWI decided to implement DQ point system, which was very good until it went down recently for some issue that ill explain later. DQ system worked this way: you sell a certain level DQitem, that item is worth X DQ point. Once you get a certain number of point you can retrieve some gifts which goes from mysterious chips to event gold. This imo is a very good add and for the first time it shows that PWI cared also about free players.

    Back to the story, we are close to modern days, we went through many issues and most of the time players had to suck it up and swallow it.

    Many official threads had this particular statement:
    "We're working to adjust PW economy"

    Another smoking pile of bull s.hit because we got to the last chaper of this story.

    After packs, APS, nerfs and turnover we now arrived to the RANK ERA.

    New patch guys, we're currently adding the RANK IX gear to the game. Rank IX gear will be very powerfull, so powerfull that it put in shadows even warsoul and ofc Nirvana. But dont worry, Rank gear is very hard to achieve because you need like 9999chips to make a general badge and you need many, but thats not it. You also need the medals of glory which can only be obtained through TW and only 1medal will be rewarded per week. So again dont worry, you wont see RANK IX that early and pvp will be safe for a while.

    And you know, from great power you get great...what was it ? Right...MONEY !!!!

    Why ? Because the genius of the PW management managed to put a rank-sale where they were selling not only the 25reputation item (ONLY 72 gold to get to RANK8) and the chips in massive ammount. No that wasnt enough, they also added the MEDALS of GLORY. The supposed hard mat you need to farm to get rank ix pieces.

    So at this point not just hardcore CSers, every1 and their mother, their sister and hamster have the friking RANK IX. And that made pvp just a 1shot fest. You can immagine the thin balance we had is now vanished, thanks to they greed.

    But again, if you had the opportunity to achieve RANK IX stage (300k rep), you still had the chance to achieve rank gear, because in DQ system you could exchange 20k dq point for a MEDAL of GLORY. That means that if you farmed your *** out you could actually gain some end-game gear for free...UNBELIVABLE, but true !!!

    Yeah, i said could because now is not possible anymore...DQ system is actually out of order because they had to remove MEDALS of GLORY. That's because in origin, dq rewards were UNtradable, but some1 actually found a way to make them tradable and so they were able to sell them. What PW "didnt get" is the fact that DQ are tradable and sellable between players, therefor even if the reward is bound to the player in reality the DQitems you sold to NPC to get that reward could be bought from other player.

    I said "didnt get", but its not that they didnt know what they were doing. Its another GREEDY move, they see some profit out of it, then they find a way to put it in the boutique. If the medals went for 10mil (and it was a fixed price) now they sell for 25-50mil, and the only ones who gain out of this are the exploiter of the glitch, which instead of being punished gets rewarded.

    All this RANK FRENZY made gold price skyrocket, we had times where gold was at 2mil, in the 1st week of the rank sale. Now gold stabilized to 800k-1mil on sanctuary...NICE WAY TO BALANCE THE ECONOMY GUYS !!!

    Now we have earthguard expansion, not much to say about this. Its fresh s.hit so i cant really tell much and also i dont care that much about them. What i know is that Seeker cannot reach 5.0.

    We had some add like faction base, which can be upgraded with points that you get by doing dailies. Faction bases have 4 wings that you can upgrade, and each wing has his benefit. From one you can get some nice 1hour buffs, from other you can get timed weapon, for another you can get timed armor and so on. These items cost contribution points and some money. But im not that experienced in faction base so i might be wrong in something.

    Well, i guess this sums it up what you've lost while you were away. Some facts can be wrong and such cuz i personally had been inactive for quite some months and every time i came back i heard new stories...

    I came back cuz i like playing my barb, im a very soft CSer (like less than 200$ which in europe in less since we have

  • Player_two - Harshlands
    Player_two - Harshlands Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sorry I couldnt ready throught the above wall-o-text. but plain and simply, take a few coins get some teles, find a good fun guild and jsut play, run stuff wiht people and do stuff the game is about. youll get gear eventually and have fun doing it. Just takes patience. took me liek 4 months to completely 100% farm (no cannies bought) my second recast cape, but it was worth it cuz for one i felt like i had truly earned and two i had fun running nirvana wiht friends. since your only 90 its gonna be real easy for you to lvl.
    b:shocked oh noes was walking and forgot to breath
  • SeaCrit_Sin - Harshlands
    SeaCrit_Sin - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    i guess the state of the game ie cash shop to win really pissed me off, and the fact that PWI really didnt get around to major bug fixes or balance issues

    If these are the reasons you originally quit PWI, then I can assure you that it IS NOT WORTH COMING BACK TO PWI.

    I would really love for this game to prove me wrong, but it is the truth.

  • Galox - Heavens Tear
    Galox - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    "Worth It"?

    If you have fun and enjoy the game, why not? It's not all about getting THE Best gear. If Having the best gear makes you happy..then get the best gear..you don't need to cashshop for it.

    Don't like Farming/Merching?

    Not worth coming back then, since you won't enjoy it.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:victory
  • Lulznotwar - Lost City
    Lulznotwar - Lost City Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    "Worth It"?

    If you have fun and enjoy the game, why not? It's not all about getting THE Best gear. If Having the best gear makes you happy..then get the best gear..you don't need to cashshop for it.

    Don't like Farming/Merching?

    Not worth coming back then, since you won't enjoy it.

    I was having fun, but at the time just the whole ethos of the game really got me down, my guild kinda collapsed and everyone got to the point where they were in it for themselves and only themselves.

    Farming? i have no issues with farming gear, it was one of the funnest things i found its just the 3-x changes really effed me over we had a level 100 squad + me doing 3-1 GBA and got wiped around 4 times before we gave up, that i know hasnt changed but oh well.

    I guess ill come back and try again when i get the time i just hope there are more friendly people out there than i found before because the game had really turned to sh.it playerbase wise a year or so ago

    thanks a lot for the time-line and news update GohRaL, yeah i was there for some of that on and off i guess, i didnt pay a huge amount of attention after the change to 3-x and i quit shortly afterwards
    RIP spoons
    The game is dead
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I came back cuz i like playing my barb, im a very soft CSer (like less than 200$ which in europe in less since we have

    They has wha?
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Lulznotwar - Lost City
    Lulznotwar - Lost City Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    They has wha?

    Me dunno either b:surrender

    Hammy do you still play? we need to catch up some time!!!!
    RIP spoons
    The game is dead
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hey guys so im a level 90 barb with about 8 mil coin and about the same again in gear worth, is it really worth my time to come back to LC and try again?

    I DONT cash shop and i never will i disagree with PWI's money grubbing, but would i be able to farm HH99/Nirv etc assuming i decide to get that far without too many friends? or is the game at the point where if you dont have it you cannot get it?

    Your old barb Lulz

    Short answer: No, it's not worth coming back. Unless you plan on investing a truck load of time.

    I'm only sticking around until G.W 2 releases, then I'll drop this PoS game like a bad habit.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • GohRaL - Sanctuary
    GohRaL - Sanctuary Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    They has wha?

    Oh, i didnt see that it cut off some of my post...

    Well, what i was saying is:

    ...that in europe we have Euro which is worth more than dollar, so it was very affordable since i was still working at that time.

    When i came back i meet again with a good part of my best friend in game and im still making new friend.

    Up to you, id recommend to come back tho

  • Lulznotwar - Lost City
    Lulznotwar - Lost City Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Short answer: No, it's not worth coming back. Unless you plan on investing a truck load of time.

    I'm only sticking around until G.W 2 releases, then I'll drop this PoS game like a bad habit.

    Fair enough dude, im hitting up G.W 2 when it comes out so beforehand mail me your ign and we can chat or w/e
    RIP spoons
    The game is dead
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!b:shutup
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • JohnnysAss - Sanctuary
    JohnnysAss - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Short answer: No, it's not worth coming back. Unless you plan on investing a truck load of time.

    I'm only sticking around until G.W 2 releases, then I'll drop this PoS game like a bad habit.
    same here can't wait, will never play a f2p game again once that and bf3 are out