The .ini Archive



  • Nariin - Dreamweaver
    Nariin - Dreamweaver Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Le sigh.

    I found an old old old thread that contains quite a bit of those doll presets. I'm not sure if I should post it here.

    I'll do it anyway!

    It's funny to read the OP say that .ini was always normal and we just don't know how to! ... Because that was the real problem >_>...

    Note: the thread is closed. If you have questions, direct them to the proper threads. I am also NOT the OP of that thread, no matter how suspicious it may seem.

    EDIT- As per request: BODY EDITING IS NOT LEGAL. If you choose to use the body editing codes, you do so at the risk of your own banning.

    No matter how suspicious...

    Ew that thread...
    Want a custom faction/fav icon? Look no further! Visit my 👿 Icon Repository in the Fanatics Forum.
    ^ but please, for the love of god, read the first page before making requests (UPDATED)
  • Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear
    Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Ew that thread...

    Yea... Hence the "Le sigh" at the beginning of the post. I rather dislike those skinny skinny doll bodies, but some of the faces are sort of cute.
  • MikoTenshi - Sanctuary
    MikoTenshi - Sanctuary Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yea... Hence the "Le sigh" at the beginning of the post. I rather dislike those skinny skinny doll bodies, but some of the faces are sort of cute.

    Agree about the freaky skinny body thing. One can always look like a doll without the body size.

    But yeah, it was never an issue to me since you can simply edit the body to your desire size.
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Agree about the freaky skinny body thing. One can always look like a doll without the body size.

    But yeah, it was never an issue to me since you can simply edit the body to your desire size.

    You're not supposed to edit the body size beyond what the sliders allow. That's still against the rules. If someone had a baby character preset list with allowable body sliders I'd put that in the other resources of the ini guide despite my personal distaste of the chars. But I get a hard enough time getting them to read (only new chars) next to male to female hair. Don't want to put bannable things in it. And body size edits are still bannable. b:surrender
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • FenixChels - Lost City
    FenixChels - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    First contribution~ b:shocked

    001 - Fire Softly - Earthguard

    scaleUp = 192
    scaleMiddle = 64
    scaleDown = 81
    idFaceShape1 = 23
    idFaceShape2 = 23
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 106
    scaleFaceV = 116
    idFaceTex = 1085
    idFalingSkin = 434
    idFalingTex = 436
    offsetForeheadH = 128
    offsetForeheadV = 128
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 192
    offsetYokeBoneH = 128
    offsetYokeBoneV = 128
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 128
    offsetCheekV = 128
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 64
    rotateChain = 158
    scaleChainH = 192
    offsetJawH = 128
    offsetJawV = 128
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 128
    scaleJawH = 128
    scaleJawV = 128
    idThirdEye = 1167
    idEyeBaseTex = 257
    idEyeHighTex = 256
    idEyeBallTex = 1117
    idEyeShape = 361
    scaleEyeH = 158
    scaleEyeV = 154
    rotateEye = 128
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 128
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 178
    scaleEyeH2 = 158
    scaleEyeV2 = 154
    rotateEye2 = 128
    offsetEyeH2 = 128
    offsetEyeV2 = 128
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 178
    idBrowTex = 6
    idBrowShape = 352
    scaleBrowH = 164
    scaleBrowV = 128
    rotateBrow = 128
    offsetBrowH = 128
    offsetBrowV = 128
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 164
    scaleBrowV2 = 128
    rotateBrow2 = 128
    offsetBrowH2 = 128
    offsetBrowV2 = 128
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 3
    idNoseTipShape = 16
    scaleNoseTipH = 79
    scaleNoseTipV = 128
    scaleNoseTipZ = 128
    offsetNoseTipV = 128
    idNoseBridgeShape = 15
    scaleBridgeTipH = 128
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 128
    idMouthUpLipLine = 89
    idMouthMidLipLine = 86
    idMouthDownLipLine = 92
    thickUpLip = 180
    thickDownLip = 105
    scaleMouthH = 64
    offsetMouthV = 128
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 14
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 127
    scaleMouthH2 = 64
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 127
    idEarShape = 21
    scaleEar = 128
    offsetEarV = 128
    idHairModel = 1102
    idHairTex = 1087
    idMoustacheTex = 0
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 0
    colorHair = -1454921
    colorFace = -1
    colorEye = -1
    colorBrow = -12624674
    colorMouth = -1
    colorEyeBall = -2600636
    colorMoustache = -11571145
    bodyID = 3
    colorBody = -1
    headScale = 132
    upScale = 116
    waistScale = 108
    armWidth = 114
    legWidth = 116
    breastScale = 119
    are you in?
  • MikoTenshi - Sanctuary
    MikoTenshi - Sanctuary Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You're not supposed to edit the body size beyond what the sliders allow. That's still against the rules. If someone had a baby character preset list with allowable body sliders I'd put that in the other resources of the ini guide despite my personal distaste of the chars. But I get a hard enough time getting them to read (only new chars) next to male to female hair. Don't want to put bannable things in it. And body size edits are still bannable. b:surrender

    Of course it is always better to be safe than sorry. But I take things the dangerous way, since I had the doll look since 09? Body size is bannable, but as long as you don't make it so skinny or fat, I don't think they care at all (or even notice). My toons have body size around 90~ (yes that is off the scale) for god knows how long and nobody banned me for it because my toon is click-able and look like a normal person just slightly leaning on the skinny side.

    And I agree, 90% of the people in your thread doesn't read lol.
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • Ajiuo - Harshlands
    Ajiuo - Harshlands Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    First contribution~ b:shocked

    001 - Fire Softly - Earthguard


    I actually used your preset to make my mystic, but obviously, I edited her a little. It's a lovely preset.
    ❤ No more PWI for me~ ❤
  • Nariin - Dreamweaver
    Nariin - Dreamweaver Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yea... Hence the "Le sigh" at the beginning of the post. I rather dislike those skinny skinny doll bodies, but some of the faces are sort of cute.

    Well pretty much all it bothered me was what OP said and acting like she's doing us a favour by "beautifying" pwi population.

    Anyway, an EG I made yesterday.



    Edit: I forgot to put code b:embarrass
    scaleUp = 128
    scaleMiddle = 128
    scaleDown = 128
    idFaceShape1 = 62
    idFaceShape2 = 62
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 112
    scaleFaceV = 125
    idFaceTex = 857
    idFalingSkin = 433
    idFalingTex = 437
    offsetForeheadH = 130
    offsetForeheadV = 128
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128
    offsetYokeBoneH = 132
    offsetYokeBoneV = 163
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 177
    rotateYokeBone = 109
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 104
    offsetCheekV = 128
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 102
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 123
    offsetJawH = 151
    offsetJawV = 85
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 165
    scaleJawH = 188
    scaleJawV = 135
    idThirdEye = 1147
    idEyeBaseTex = 50
    idEyeHighTex = 49
    idEyeBallTex = 1046
    idEyeShape = 71
    scaleEyeH = 140
    scaleEyeV = 150
    rotateEye = 154
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 72
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 162
    scaleEyeH2 = 140
    scaleEyeV2 = 150
    rotateEye2 = 154
    offsetEyeH2 = 128
    offsetEyeV2 = 72
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 162
    idBrowTex = 45
    idBrowShape = 354
    scaleBrowH = 132
    scaleBrowV = 128
    rotateBrow = 127
    offsetBrowH = 114
    offsetBrowV = 81
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 132
    scaleBrowV2 = 128
    rotateBrow2 = 127
    offsetBrowH2 = 114
    offsetBrowV2 = 81
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 41
    idNoseTipShape = 58
    scaleNoseTipH = 121
    scaleNoseTipV = 106
    scaleNoseTipZ = 93
    offsetNoseTipV = 77
    idNoseBridgeShape = 57
    scaleBridgeTipH = 117
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 115
    idMouthUpLipLine = 81
    idMouthMidLipLine = 77
    idMouthDownLipLine = 84
    thickUpLip = 118
    thickDownLip = 122
    scaleMouthH = 95
    offsetMouthV = 103
    offsetMOuthZ = 139
    idMouthTex = 52
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 110
    scaleMouthH2 = 95
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 110
    idEarShape = 59
    scaleEar = 126
    offsetEarV = 130
    idHairModel = 1074
    idHairTex = 1059
    idMoustacheTex = 204
    idMoustacheSkin = 255
    idGoateeTex = 596
    colorHair = 1835008
    colorFace = 4853507
    colorEye = -1
    colorBrow = -12624674
    colorMouth = -1
    colorEyeBall = 16711680
    colorMoustache = 1835008
    bodyID = 3
    colorBody = 3866628
    headScale = 131
    upScale = 115
    waistScale = 100
    armWidth = 124
    legWidth = 124
    breastScale = 128
    Want a custom faction/fav icon? Look no further! Visit my 👿 Icon Repository in the Fanatics Forum.
    ^ but please, for the love of god, read the first page before making requests (UPDATED)
  • Nalcetla - Archosaur
    Nalcetla - Archosaur Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Tideborns are probably my favorite to make b:laugh

    scaleUp = 97
    scaleMiddle = 72
    scaleDown = 119
    idFaceShape1 = 26
    idFaceShape2 = 26
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 117
    scaleFaceV = 128
    idFaceTex = 862
    idFalingSkin = 434
    idFalingTex = 436
    offsetForeheadH = 128
    offsetForeheadV = 146
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128
    offsetYokeBoneH = 128
    offsetYokeBoneV = 128
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 128
    offsetCheekV = 128
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 118
    offsetJawH = 116
    offsetJawV = 128
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 97
    scaleJawH = 64
    scaleJawV = 81
    idThirdEye = 0
    idEyeBaseTex = 257
    idEyeHighTex = 256
    idEyeBallTex = 1117
    idEyeShape = 32
    scaleEyeH = 128
    scaleEyeV = 165
    rotateEye = 171
    offsetEyeH = 105
    offsetEyeV = 128
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 128
    scaleEyeH2 = 128
    scaleEyeV2 = 165
    rotateEye2 = 171
    offsetEyeH2 = 105
    offsetEyeV2 = 128
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 128
    idBrowTex = 6
    idBrowShape = 28
    scaleBrowH = 128
    scaleBrowV = 128
    rotateBrow = 128
    offsetBrowH = 128
    offsetBrowV = 128
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 128
    scaleBrowV2 = 128
    rotateBrow2 = 128
    offsetBrowH2 = 128
    offsetBrowV2 = 128
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 3
    idNoseTipShape = 16
    scaleNoseTipH = 123
    scaleNoseTipV = 128
    scaleNoseTipZ = 128
    offsetNoseTipV = 110
    idNoseBridgeShape = 15
    scaleBridgeTipH = 82
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 128
    idMouthUpLipLine = 89
    idMouthMidLipLine = 87
    idMouthDownLipLine = 92
    thickUpLip = 155
    thickDownLip = 127
    scaleMouthH = 124
    offsetMouthV = 128
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 14
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 128
    scaleMouthH2 = 124
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 128
    idEarShape = 22
    scaleEar = 64
    offsetEarV = 162
    idHairModel = 1116
    idHairTex = 1101
    idMoustacheTex = 0
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 0
    colorHair = -12229518
    colorFace = -394244
    colorEye = -1
    colorBrow = -12624674
    colorMouth = -1
    colorEyeBall = -13187107
    colorMoustache = -11571145
    bodyID = 2
    colorBody = -394244
    headScale = 127
    upScale = 113
    waistScale = 116
    armWidth = 118
    legWidth = 118
    breastScale = 115
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Tideborns are probably my favorite to make b:laugh


    b:chuckle You didn't name this one, so I just called it "That Fish with the Dreadlocks". If someone can come up with something better, just tell me.

    First post updated. :D Awesome work, guys!
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited November 2012


    scaleUp = 128
    scaleMiddle = 124
    scaleDown = 96
    idFaceShape1 = 23
    idFaceShape2 = 23
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 100
    scaleFaceV = 128
    idFaceTex = 5
    idFalingSkin = 434
    idFalingTex = 436
    offsetForeheadH = 160
    offsetForeheadV = 83
    offsetForeheadZ = 121
    rotateForehead = 107
    scaleForehead = 134
    offsetYokeBoneH = 150
    offsetYokeBoneV = 155
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 64
    rotateYokeBone = 139
    scaleYokeBone = 123
    offsetCheekH = 155
    offsetCheekV = 156
    offsetCheekZ = 156
    scaleCheek = 156
    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 128
    offsetJawH = 156
    offsetJawV = 123
    offsetJawZ = 123
    scaleJawSpecial = 136
    scaleJawH = 120
    scaleJawV = 121
    idThirdEye = 0
    idEyeBaseTex = 331
    idEyeHighTex = 561
    idEyeBallTex = 1117
    idEyeShape = 360
    scaleEyeH = 130
    scaleEyeV = 157
    rotateEye = 129
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 128
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 128
    scaleEyeH2 = 130
    scaleEyeV2 = 157
    rotateEye2 = 129
    offsetEyeH2 = 128
    offsetEyeV2 = 128
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 128
    idBrowTex = 8
    idBrowShape = 351
    scaleBrowH = 92
    scaleBrowV = 92
    rotateBrow = 98
    offsetBrowH = 128
    offsetBrowV = 74
    offsetBrowZ = 64
    scaleBrowH2 = 92
    scaleBrowV2 = 92
    rotateBrow2 = 98
    offsetBrowH2 = 128
    offsetBrowV2 = 74
    offsetBrowZ2 = 64
    idNoseTex = 3
    idNoseTipShape = 16
    scaleNoseTipH = 120
    scaleNoseTipV = 104
    scaleNoseTipZ = 104
    offsetNoseTipV = 154
    idNoseBridgeShape = 15
    scaleBridgeTipH = 102
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 103
    idMouthUpLipLine = 91
    idMouthMidLipLine = 86
    idMouthDownLipLine = 93
    thickUpLip = 115
    thickDownLip = 110
    scaleMouthH = 78
    offsetMouthV = 152
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 14
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 110
    scaleMouthH2 = 78
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 110
    idEarShape = 21
    scaleEar = 92
    offsetEarV = 128
    idHairModel = 284
    idHairTex = 312
    idMoustacheTex = 0
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 0
    colorHair = -15461357
    colorFace = -1
    colorEye = -15198440
    colorBrow = -11519179
    colorMouth = -3709354
    colorEyeBall = -10000536
    colorMoustache = -1
    bodyID = 0
    colorBody = -1
    headScale = 126
    upScale = 110
    waistScale = 116
    armWidth = 110
    legWidth = 120
    breastScale = 100

    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Baby_pho - Heavens Tear
    Baby_pho - Heavens Tear Posts: 636 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well pretty much all it bothered me was what OP said and acting like she's doing us a favour by "beautifying" pwi population.

    Anyway, an EG I made yesterday.



    Edit: I forgot to put code b:embarrass
    scaleUp = 128
    scaleMiddle = 128
    scaleDown = 128
    idFaceShape1 = 62
    idFaceShape2 = 62
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 112
    scaleFaceV = 125
    idFaceTex = 857
    idFalingSkin = 433
    idFalingTex = 437
    offsetForeheadH = 130
    offsetForeheadV = 128
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128
    offsetYokeBoneH = 132
    offsetYokeBoneV = 163
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 177
    rotateYokeBone = 109
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 104
    offsetCheekV = 128
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 102
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 123
    offsetJawH = 151
    offsetJawV = 85
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 165
    scaleJawH = 188
    scaleJawV = 135
    idThirdEye = 1147
    idEyeBaseTex = 50
    idEyeHighTex = 49
    idEyeBallTex = 1046
    idEyeShape = 71
    scaleEyeH = 140
    scaleEyeV = 150
    rotateEye = 154
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 72
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 162
    scaleEyeH2 = 140
    scaleEyeV2 = 150
    rotateEye2 = 154
    offsetEyeH2 = 128
    offsetEyeV2 = 72
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 162
    idBrowTex = 45
    idBrowShape = 354
    scaleBrowH = 132
    scaleBrowV = 128
    rotateBrow = 127
    offsetBrowH = 114
    offsetBrowV = 81
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 132
    scaleBrowV2 = 128
    rotateBrow2 = 127
    offsetBrowH2 = 114
    offsetBrowV2 = 81
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 41
    idNoseTipShape = 58
    scaleNoseTipH = 121
    scaleNoseTipV = 106
    scaleNoseTipZ = 93
    offsetNoseTipV = 77
    idNoseBridgeShape = 57
    scaleBridgeTipH = 117
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 115
    idMouthUpLipLine = 81
    idMouthMidLipLine = 77
    idMouthDownLipLine = 84
    thickUpLip = 118
    thickDownLip = 122
    scaleMouthH = 95
    offsetMouthV = 103
    offsetMOuthZ = 139
    idMouthTex = 52
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 110
    scaleMouthH2 = 95
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 110
    idEarShape = 59
    scaleEar = 126
    offsetEarV = 130
    idHairModel = 1074
    idHairTex = 1059
    idMoustacheTex = 204
    idMoustacheSkin = 255
    idGoateeTex = 596
    colorHair = 1835008
    colorFace = 4853507
    colorEye = -1
    colorBrow = -12624674
    colorMouth = -1
    colorEyeBall = 16711680
    colorMoustache = 1835008
    bodyID = 3
    colorBody = 3866628
    headScale = 131
    upScale = 115
    waistScale = 100
    armWidth = 124
    legWidth = 124
    breastScale = 128

    I really love this seeker look with the tb tats. too bad i dont own any male char except for barb. i'd totally make this guy or something similar if i ever decide to make a male eg.
  • Odinna - Dreamweaver
    Odinna - Dreamweaver Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Anyone has an ini file for a sexy elf ^.^ plz b:thanks
    Specially for sexy eyes

    Thank You so much Silvy for the sig! b:pleased
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited November 2012

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    b:thanks Woo, thank you Venus =D
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • StellaNova - Raging Tide
    StellaNova - Raging Tide Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    very tempting to use the hair and eyes from Rebel on my bm (female char ofc ;) )
    Miss my Avatar b:sad

    Starfall Marshall b:victory
  • Pantherlilie - Archosaur
    Pantherlilie - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have 3 id like to add.

    the first is the for my venomancer i shall call it the pantherfaust
    scaleUp = 113
    scaleMiddle = 116
    scaleDown = 105
    idFaceShape1 = 27
    idFaceShape2 = 27
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 110
    scaleFaceV = 131
    idFaceTex = 5
    idFalingSkin = 434
    idFalingTex = 436
    offsetForeheadH = 128
    offsetForeheadV = 128
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128
    offsetYokeBoneH = 149
    offsetYokeBoneV = 146
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 148
    offsetCheekV = 146
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 123
    scaleChainH = 101
    offsetJawH = 140
    offsetJawV = 138
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 128
    scaleJawH = 128
    scaleJawV = 128
    idThirdEye = 0
    idEyeBaseTex = 257
    idEyeHighTex = 562
    idEyeBallTex = 9
    idEyeShape = 361
    scaleEyeH = 128
    scaleEyeV = 145
    rotateEye = 137
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 128
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 134
    scaleEyeH2 = 128
    scaleEyeV2 = 145
    rotateEye2 = 137
    offsetEyeH2 = 128
    offsetEyeV2 = 128
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 134
    idBrowTex = 7
    idBrowShape = 352
    scaleBrowH = 128
    scaleBrowV = 128
    rotateBrow = 183
    offsetBrowH = 128
    offsetBrowV = 128
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 128
    scaleBrowV2 = 128
    rotateBrow2 = 183
    offsetBrowH2 = 128
    offsetBrowV2 = 128
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 1
    idNoseTipShape = 16
    scaleNoseTipH = 128
    scaleNoseTipV = 128
    scaleNoseTipZ = 128
    offsetNoseTipV = 128
    idNoseBridgeShape = 15
    scaleBridgeTipH = 128
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 96
    idMouthUpLipLine = 89
    idMouthMidLipLine = 86
    idMouthDownLipLine = 94
    thickUpLip = 106
    thickDownLip = 99
    scaleMouthH = 107
    offsetMouthV = 104
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 14
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 124
    scaleMouthH2 = 107
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 124
    idEarShape = 22
    scaleEar = 128
    offsetEarV = 128
    idHairModel = 1106
    idHairTex = 1091
    idMoustacheTex = 0
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 0
    colorHair = -3841705
    colorFace = -1
    colorEye = -15329774
    colorBrow = -2985147
    colorMouth = -8300638
    colorEyeBall = -6731818
    colorMoustache = -1
    bodyID = 4
    colorBody = -1
    headScale = 125
    upScale = 123
    waistScale = 120
    armWidth = 123
    legWidth = 120
    breastScale = 126

    this is my psychic named the fishtwist

    scaleUp = 132
    scaleMiddle = 133
    scaleDown = 146
    idFaceShape1 = 62
    idFaceShape2 = 62
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 128
    scaleFaceV = 128
    idFaceTex = 858
    idFalingSkin = 433
    idFalingTex = 437
    offsetForeheadH = 128
    offsetForeheadV = 128
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128
    offsetYokeBoneH = 128
    offsetYokeBoneV = 128
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 142
    offsetCheekV = 115
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 150
    offsetJawH = 128
    offsetJawV = 128
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 128
    scaleJawH = 128
    scaleJawV = 128
    idThirdEye = 0
    idEyeBaseTex = 50
    idEyeHighTex = 49
    idEyeBallTex = 48
    idEyeShape = 74
    scaleEyeH = 132
    scaleEyeV = 137
    rotateEye = 123
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 128
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 128
    scaleEyeH2 = 132
    scaleEyeV2 = 137
    rotateEye2 = 123
    offsetEyeH2 = 128
    offsetEyeV2 = 128
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 128
    idBrowTex = 45
    idBrowShape = 70
    scaleBrowH = 128
    scaleBrowV = 128
    rotateBrow = 128
    offsetBrowH = 128
    offsetBrowV = 128
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 128
    scaleBrowV2 = 128
    rotateBrow2 = 128
    offsetBrowH2 = 128
    offsetBrowV2 = 128
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 41
    idNoseTipShape = 58
    scaleNoseTipH = 128
    scaleNoseTipV = 128
    scaleNoseTipZ = 128
    offsetNoseTipV = 128
    idNoseBridgeShape = 57
    scaleBridgeTipH = 128
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 128
    idMouthUpLipLine = 80
    idMouthMidLipLine = 77
    idMouthDownLipLine = 83
    thickUpLip = 128
    thickDownLip = 111
    scaleMouthH = 112
    offsetMouthV = 128
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 52
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 128
    scaleMouthH2 = 112
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 128
    idEarShape = 59
    scaleEar = 128
    offsetEarV = 128
    idHairModel = 1062
    idHairTex = 1047
    idMoustacheTex = 204
    idMoustacheSkin = 490
    idGoateeTex = 596
    colorHair = -1184275
    colorFace = -12359048
    colorEye = -1
    colorBrow = -12624674
    colorMouth = -1
    colorEyeBall = -3001891
    colorMoustache = -789517
    bodyID = 3
    colorBody = -12359048
    headScale = 124
    upScale = 127
    waistScale = 117
    armWidth = 121
    legWidth = 122
    breastScale = 128

    and this is my barb :D lets call him the bearded barb
    scaleUp = 128
    scaleMiddle = 128
    scaleDown = 128
    idFaceShape1 = 117
    idFaceShape2 = 117
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 128
    scaleFaceV = 128
    idFaceTex = 100
    idFalingSkin = 4633
    idFalingTex = 13
    offsetForeheadH = 128
    offsetForeheadV = 128
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128
    offsetYokeBoneH = 128
    offsetYokeBoneV = 128
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 128
    offsetCheekV = 128
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 128
    offsetJawH = 128
    offsetJawV = 128
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 128
    scaleJawH = 128
    scaleJawV = 128
    idThirdEye = 1149
    idEyeBaseTex = 106
    idEyeHighTex = 105
    idEyeBallTex = 104
    idEyeShape = 126
    scaleEyeH = 128
    scaleEyeV = 128
    rotateEye = 128
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 128
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 128
    scaleEyeH2 = 64
    scaleEyeV2 = 76
    rotateEye2 = 76
    offsetEyeH2 = 64
    offsetEyeV2 = 64
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 64
    idBrowTex = 101
    idBrowShape = 122
    scaleBrowH = 128
    scaleBrowV = 128
    rotateBrow = 128
    offsetBrowH = 128
    offsetBrowV = 128
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 64
    scaleBrowV2 = 64
    rotateBrow2 = 128
    offsetBrowH2 = 128
    offsetBrowV2 = 128
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 95
    idNoseTipShape = 111
    scaleNoseTipH = 128
    scaleNoseTipV = 128
    scaleNoseTipZ = 128
    offsetNoseTipV = 128
    idNoseBridgeShape = 108
    scaleBridgeTipH = 128
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 128
    idMouthUpLipLine = 132
    idMouthMidLipLine = 129
    idMouthDownLipLine = 135
    thickUpLip = 128
    thickDownLip = 128
    scaleMouthH = 128
    offsetMouthV = 128
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 107
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 64
    scaleMouthH2 = 64
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 64
    idEarShape = 114
    scaleEar = 128
    offsetEarV = 128
    idHairModel = 598
    idHairTex = 426
  • FenixChels - Lost City
    FenixChels - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I actually used your preset to make my mystic, but obviously, I edited her a little. It's a lovely preset.

    Haha, thanks and I'm happy that you like it! :D

    Will contribute more when I have time. Lovely ini creations from everyone. :]
    are you in?
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I may need to make a new rule. Only one ini per post, please. D: Makes it a nightmare to live link.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • FenixChels - Lost City
    FenixChels - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I may need to make a new rule. Only one ini per post, please. D: Makes it a nightmare to live link.

    Yes, I think that'd be great - it'll be easier on you and to people looking for specific inis. :D
    are you in?
  • badfishii
    badfishii Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can anyone answer this: Is there a .ini edit to make your character have a "pill" head? like the fat bro pill or pumpkin head pill, or the santa head pill? If so, how do I do it?
  • FenixChels - Lost City
    FenixChels - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    002 - Innocence - Earthguard


    Feel free to edit colors and eyes, etc. :D
    scaleUp = 192
    scaleMiddle = 64
    scaleDown = 81
    idFaceShape1 = 23
    idFaceShape2 = 23
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 106
    scaleFaceV = 116
    idFaceTex = 1085
    idFalingSkin = 434
    idFalingTex = 436
    offsetForeheadH = 155
    offsetForeheadV = 192
    offsetForeheadZ = 192
    rotateForehead = 144
    scaleForehead = 64
    offsetYokeBoneH = 128
    offsetYokeBoneV = 128
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 128
    offsetCheekV = 128
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 134
    offsetChainZ = 64
    rotateChain = 158
    scaleChainH = 192
    offsetJawH = 135
    offsetJawV = 128
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 128
    scaleJawH = 128
    scaleJawV = 128
    idThirdEye = 1166
    idEyeBaseTex = 257
    idEyeHighTex = 256
    idEyeBallTex = 1117
    idEyeShape = 34
    scaleEyeH = 149
    scaleEyeV = 163
    rotateEye = 128
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 128
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 189
    scaleEyeH2 = 149
    scaleEyeV2 = 163
    rotateEye2 = 128
    offsetEyeH2 = 128
    offsetEyeV2 = 128
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 189
    idBrowTex = 6
    idBrowShape = 352
    scaleBrowH = 170
    scaleBrowV = 93
    rotateBrow = 100
    offsetBrowH = 142
    offsetBrowV = 183
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 170
    scaleBrowV2 = 93
    rotateBrow2 = 100
    offsetBrowH2 = 142
    offsetBrowV2 = 183
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 3
    idNoseTipShape = 16
    scaleNoseTipH = 79
    scaleNoseTipV = 128
    scaleNoseTipZ = 128
    offsetNoseTipV = 128
    idNoseBridgeShape = 15
    scaleBridgeTipH = 128
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 128
    idMouthUpLipLine = 89
    idMouthMidLipLine = 86
    idMouthDownLipLine = 92
    thickUpLip = 146
    thickDownLip = 83
    scaleMouthH = 64
    offsetMouthV = 128
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 14
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 123
    scaleMouthH2 = 64
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 123
    idEarShape = 21
    scaleEar = 128
    offsetEarV = 128
    idHairModel = 1038
    idHairTex = 1039
    idMoustacheTex = 0
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 0
    colorHair = -1594679
    colorFace = -1
    colorEye = -1
    colorBrow = -12624674
    colorMouth = -1
    colorEyeBall = -7681304
    colorMoustache = -11571145
    bodyID = 3
    colorBody = -1
    headScale = 132
    upScale = 116
    waistScale = 108
    armWidth = 114
    legWidth = 116
    breastScale = 119
    are you in?
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    badfishii wrote: »
    Can anyone answer this: Is there a .ini edit to make your character have a "pill" head? like the fat bro pill or pumpkin head pill, or the santa head pill? If so, how do I do it?
    I believe that edit is only for barbs. I don't know the codes, currently.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Here is the pic and code for my new psy-girl.


    scaleUp = 134
    scaleMiddle = 130
    scaleDown = 139
    idFaceShape1 = 27
    idFaceShape2 = 27
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 128
    scaleFaceV = 128
    idFaceTex = 860
    idFalingSkin = 434
    idFalingTex = 436
    offsetForeheadH = 128
    offsetForeheadV = 128
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128
    offsetYokeBoneH = 128
    offsetYokeBoneV = 128
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 128
    offsetCheekV = 128
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 118
    offsetJawH = 128
    offsetJawV = 128
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 124
    scaleJawH = 129
    scaleJawV = 91
    idThirdEye = 0
    idEyeBaseTex = 257
    idEyeHighTex = 256
    idEyeBallTex = 1117
    idEyeShape = 37
    scaleEyeH = 165
    scaleEyeV = 172
    rotateEye = 128
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 128
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 128
    scaleEyeH2 = 165
    scaleEyeV2 = 172
    rotateEye2 = 128
    offsetEyeH2 = 128
    offsetEyeV2 = 128
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 128
    idBrowTex = 6
    idBrowShape = 353
    scaleBrowH = 128
    scaleBrowV = 128
    rotateBrow = 128
    offsetBrowH = 128
    offsetBrowV = 128
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 128
    scaleBrowV2 = 128
    rotateBrow2 = 128
    offsetBrowH2 = 128
    offsetBrowV2 = 128
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 3
    idNoseTipShape = 16
    scaleNoseTipH = 128
    scaleNoseTipV = 128
    scaleNoseTipZ = 128
    offsetNoseTipV = 128
    idNoseBridgeShape = 15
    scaleBridgeTipH = 128
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 128
    idMouthUpLipLine = 89
    idMouthMidLipLine = 86
    idMouthDownLipLine = 92
    thickUpLip = 180
    thickDownLip = 177
    scaleMouthH = 109
    offsetMouthV = 127
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 14
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 129
    scaleMouthH2 = 109
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 129
    idEarShape = 21
    scaleEar = 64
    offsetEarV = 64
    idHairModel = 191
    idHairTex = 311
    idMoustacheTex = 0
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 0
    colorHair = 1486618625
    colorFace = -1852266 
    colorEye = -1
    colorBrow = -12624674
    colorMouth = -1
    colorEyeBall = -10953167
    colorMoustache = -1852266 
    bodyID = 0
    colorBody = -1852266 
    headScale = 113
    upScale = 110
    waistScale = 100
    armWidth = 110
    legWidth = 110
    breastScale = 100
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Here is my veno:


    scaleUp = 155
    scaleMiddle = 98
    scaleDown = 65
    idFaceShape1 = 23
    idFaceShape2 = 23
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 140
    scaleFaceV = 144
    idFaceTex = 5
    idFalingSkin = 434
    idFalingTex = 436
    offsetForeheadH = 97
    offsetForeheadV = 97
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 134
    scaleForehead = 192
    offsetYokeBoneH = 158
    offsetYokeBoneV = 125
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 127
    rotateYokeBone = 125
    scaleYokeBone = 127
    offsetCheekH = 139
    offsetCheekV = 146
    offsetCheekZ = 127
    scaleCheek = 130
    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 85
    offsetJawH = 132
    offsetJawV = 188
    offsetJawZ = 132
    scaleJawSpecial = 116
    scaleJawH = 128
    scaleJawV = 128
    idThirdEye = 0
    idEyeBaseTex = 452
    idEyeHighTex = 256
    idEyeBallTex = 1117
    idEyeShape = 37
    scaleEyeH = 168
    scaleEyeV = 206
    rotateEye = 128
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 128
    offseteyeZ = 128
    scaleEyeBall = 128
    scaleEyeH2 = 168
    scaleEyeV2 = 206
    rotateEye2 = 128
    offsetEyeH2 = 128
    offsetEyeV2 = 128
    offseteyeZ2 = 128
    scaleEyeBall2 = 128
    idBrowTex = 8
    idBrowShape = 31
    scaleBrowH = 128
    scaleBrowV = 70
    rotateBrow = 142
    offsetBrowH = 126
    offsetBrowV = 108
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 128
    scaleBrowV2 = 70
    rotateBrow2 = 142
    offsetBrowH2 = 126
    offsetBrowV2 = 108
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 4
    idNoseTipShape = 16
    scaleNoseTipH = 77
    scaleNoseTipV = 89
    scaleNoseTipZ = 99
    offsetNoseTipV = 118
    idNoseBridgeShape = 17
    scaleBridgeTipH = 64
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 64
    idMouthUpLipLine = 89
    idMouthMidLipLine = 86
    idMouthDownLipLine = 92
    thickUpLip = 140
    thickDownLip = 140
    scaleMouthH = 128
    offsetMouthV = 128
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 14
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 128
    scaleMouthH2 = 128
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 128
    idEarShape = 21
    scaleEar = 118
    offsetEarV = 167
    idHairModel = 1110
    idHairTex = 1095
    idMoustacheTex = 0
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 0
    colorHair = -15724528
    colorFace = -3961243
    colorEye = -15658479
    colorBrow = -14541798
    colorMouth = -59111149
    colorEyeBall = -10625225
    colorMoustache = -1
    bodyID = 1
    colorBody = -3961243
    headScale = 115
    upScale = 110
    waistScale = 100
    armWidth = 110
    legWidth = 110
    breastScale = 107
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    b:thanks Thanks for contributing, Bri!
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    b:thanks Thanks for contributing, Bri!

    YW b:victory
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • StellaNova - Raging Tide
    StellaNova - Raging Tide Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    nvm - solved the problem
    Miss my Avatar b:sad

    Starfall Marshall b:victory
  • StellaNova - Raging Tide
    StellaNova - Raging Tide Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    B'n'B BM

    scaleUp = 128
    scaleMiddle = 128
    scaleDown = 128
    idFaceShape1 = 23
    idFaceShape2 = 23
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 128
    scaleFaceV = 128
    idFaceTex = 5
    idFalingSkin = 434
    idFalingTex = 436
    offsetForeheadH = 128
    offsetForeheadV = 128
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128
    offsetYokeBoneH = 128
    offsetYokeBoneV = 128
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 128
    offsetCheekV = 128
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 128
    offsetJawH = 128
    offsetJawV = 128
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 128
    scaleJawH = 128
    scaleJawV = 128
    idThirdEye = 0
    idEyeBaseTex = 257
    idEyeHighTex = 12
    idEyeBallTex = 1117
    idEyeShape = 36
    scaleEyeH = 120
    scaleEyeV = 110
    rotateEye = 132
    offsetEyeH = 92
    offsetEyeV = 118
    offseteyeZ = 146
    scaleEyeBall = 109
    scaleEyeH2 = 120
    scaleEyeV2 = 110
    rotateEye2 = 132
    offsetEyeH2 = 92
    offsetEyeV2 = 118
    offseteyeZ2 = 146
    scaleEyeBall2 = 109
    idBrowTex = 6
    idBrowShape = 29
    scaleBrowH = 120
    scaleBrowV = 99
    rotateBrow = 152
    offsetBrowH = 97
    offsetBrowV = 102
    offsetBrowZ = 112
    scaleBrowH2 = 120
    scaleBrowV2 = 99
    rotateBrow2 = 152
    offsetBrowH2 = 97
    offsetBrowV2 = 102
    offsetBrowZ2 = 112
    idNoseTex = 3
    idNoseTipShape = 16
    scaleNoseTipH = 128
    scaleNoseTipV = 128
    scaleNoseTipZ = 128
    offsetNoseTipV = 128
    idNoseBridgeShape = 15
    scaleBridgeTipH = 128
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 128
    idMouthUpLipLine = 89
    idMouthMidLipLine = 86
    idMouthDownLipLine = 92
    thickUpLip = 129
    thickDownLip = 118
    scaleMouthH = 110
    offsetMouthV = 128
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 14
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 128
    scaleMouthH2 = 110
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 128
    idEarShape = 21
    scaleEar = 128
    offsetEarV = 128
    idHairModel = 938
    idHairTex = 948
    idMoustacheTex = 0
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 0
    colorHair = -12632364
    colorFace = -1
    colorEye = 0
    colorBrow = 0
    colorMouth = -0
    colorEyeBall = -12632364
    colorMoustache = -1

    Female BM

    One of my first ini edit's - have a few few more, when i'm satisfied with the work b:laugh
    Miss my Avatar b:sad

    Starfall Marshall b:victory
  • FenixChels - Lost City
    FenixChels - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    003 - Naivety - Werefox


    Feel free to edit colors and eyes, etc. :D If something is wrong or you're having issues, don't hesitate to let me know. b:cute
    scaleUp = 192
    scaleMiddle = 64
    scaleDown = 64
    idFaceShape1 = 23
    idFaceShape2 = 23
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 90
    scaleFaceV = 108
    idFaceTex = 5
    idFalingSkin = 434
    idFalingTex = 436
    offsetForeheadH = 138
    offsetForeheadV = 65
    offsetForeheadZ = 184
    rotateForehead = 140
    scaleForehead = 128
    offsetYokeBoneH = 192
    offsetYokeBoneV = 95
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 64
    rotateYokeBone = 121
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 192
    offsetCheekV = 105
    offsetCheekZ = 127
    scaleCheek = 64
    offsetChainV = 149
    offsetChainZ = 79
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 64
    offsetJawH = 192
    offsetJawV = 192
    offsetJawZ = 64
    scaleJawSpecial = 134
    scaleJawH = 130
    scaleJawV = 141
    idThirdEye = 0
    idEyeBaseTex = 329
    idEyeHighTex = 567
    idEyeBallTex = 1117
    idEyeShape = 33
    scaleEyeH = 104
    scaleEyeV = 219
    rotateEye = 104
    offsetEyeH = 85
    offsetEyeV = 100
    offseteyeZ = 76
    scaleEyeBall = 179
    scaleEyeH2 = 104
    scaleEyeV2 = 219
    rotateEye2 = 104
    offsetEyeH2 = 85
    offsetEyeV2 = 100
    offseteyeZ2 = 76
    scaleEyeBall2 = 179
    idBrowTex = 7
    idBrowShape = 30
    scaleBrowH = 128
    scaleBrowV = 76
    rotateBrow = 103
    offsetBrowH = 155
    offsetBrowV = 151
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 128
    scaleBrowV2 = 76
    rotateBrow2 = 103
    offsetBrowH2 = 155
    offsetBrowV2 = 151
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 1
    idNoseTipShape = 16
    scaleNoseTipH = 64
    scaleNoseTipV = 108
    scaleNoseTipZ = 93
    offsetNoseTipV = 192
    idNoseBridgeShape = 15
    scaleBridgeTipH = 73
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 107
    idMouthUpLipLine = 89
    idMouthMidLipLine = 86
    idMouthDownLipLine = 93
    thickUpLip = 170
    thickDownLip = 87
    scaleMouthH = 64
    offsetMouthV = 192
    offsetMOuthZ = 104
    idMouthTex = 14
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 134
    scaleMouthH2 = 64
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 134
    idEarShape = 21
    scaleEar = 127
    offsetEarV = 128
    idHairModel = 299
    idHairTex = 311
    idMoustacheTex = 0
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 0
    colorHair = -9941952
    colorFace = -1
    colorEye = -15264234
    colorBrow = -8627638
    colorMouth = -2667175
    colorEyeBall = 1
    colorMoustache = -1
    bodyID = 0
    colorBody = -1
    headScale = 146
    upScale = 110
    waistScale = 118
    armWidth = 110
    legWidth = 110
    breastScale = 104
    are you in?