Very short text boxes

tictic99999 Posts: 204 Arc User
edited February 2016 in Quality Corner
Ever since cross-server nation wars came out, all servers have received a bug known as the "french client bug" in which our text length was significantly cut. This has had drastic affects especially when linking items. When linking items now, in most cases you can barely even add 1-2 characters after a link. Many messages have to be as short as "WTS link general summer's token" and then you can't write any more.

The original text limit was roughly three (3) full lines in world chat. Now it is slightly less than two (2). The limit character-wise almost cut in half. The limit with linked items was cut by about 2/3 including the bug in which you can't type after the item links. Messages as simple as "WTS *link* for X million" are currently not possible.

The original character limit on any given chat was: dependent on certain factors such as emoticons, ASCII, or/and spaces, either 116 or 120
The current bugged amount is: 80

resolution wanted: fix the bugs and return our original character limit.​​
(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
Dawnglory's legendary Stormbringer ShockWave LV 105-105-103
7 year old Harshlands character, semi-retired Wizard Boomz
Will he reach 1800 spirit?


  • hogwarts123
    hogwarts123 Posts: 66 Arc User
    I believe the reason they did this was because it would be hard to read the Xserver World Chat if what you said was immediately off the chat box 2 seconds later. Although this was very annoying, here are some simple tips to get around the linking problem.
    - Type out everything you are trying to say before linking the item. It also works if you type out things you want to write behind the link then go back and link between what you typed. As long as there is a single letter spot left, the link should still go through without cutting out the other words.
    ( "S>300bil obo" then "S>[+Bronze Saber] 300bil obo")

    - Use more abbreviations ("S>","T> for", and "B>" etc) these help alot
    - Some servers have different abbreviations for things so find the ones that are a little shorter ( FSJ/FSD instead of JFSP/DFSP and the like)
    I'm pretty sure most people didn't like this chat change but I doubt even a ticket would do much to change this modification. Hope my tips help.:3

  • tictic99999
    tictic99999 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I believe the reason they did this was because it would be hard to read the Xserver World Chat if what you said was immediately off the chat box 2 seconds later. Although this was very annoying, here are some simple tips to get around the linking problem.
    - Type out everything you are trying to say before linking the item. It also works if you type out things you want to write behind the link then go back and link between what you typed. As long as there is a single letter spot left, the link should still go through without cutting out the other words.
    ( "S>300bil obo" then "S>[+Bronze Saber] 300bil obo")

    - Use more abbreviations ("S>","T> for", and "B>" etc) these help alot
    - Some servers have different abbreviations for things so find the ones that are a little shorter ( FSJ/FSD instead of JFSP/DFSP and the like)
    I'm pretty sure most people didn't like this chat change but I doubt even a ticket would do much to change this modification. Hope my tips help.:3

    thats already been happening and it is besides grammatically incorrect, very annoying. Also "horn" type items use a different system in which they will be seen. they get their own text boxes they flash up on your screen.

    Not to mention that what your saying is completely irrelevant to my post. My post is about a bug which should not be here, that was suppost to be addressed a long time ago and never was. Anything that isn't helpful towards identifying the bug is pretty much useless here to anyone actually wanting to fix this.​​
    (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
    Dawnglory's legendary Stormbringer ShockWave LV 105-105-103
    7 year old Harshlands character, semi-retired Wizard Boomz
    Will he reach 1800 spirit?
  • hogwarts123
    hogwarts123 Posts: 66 Arc User
    I am pretty sure this isn't a bug problem because when the GM came on my server for the questionaire he was limited by the character limit even though he used System chat. It is just a way to keep chat traffic to a minimum. If you have proof that this is a glitch or bug I would like to see it :/ No GM that I remember ever stated that this was an issue or unintentional.

  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Actually it is a bug. In our version we had a lengthened chat field because of the limitations imposed by the English language. The Chinese version can say a lot more in fewer characters because of how their language is.

    This should have been addressed a few patches ago, and we won't see anything in the near future because the dev's are out on holiday. (Chinese new year and all.)

    Also, moving this to the correct forum.​​

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  • hogwarts123
    hogwarts123 Posts: 66 Arc User
    Ok then I apologize to @tictic99999 hope we get this fixed and ty @sylenthunder for verifying for me. :3

  • mayliespi
    mayliespi Posts: 6 Arc User
    I dont know if it is a bug or not, but a while ago (on Lothranis server) i was playing on the french client. I decided to switch on the english one when we had a merge with Mom german serv to become Morai Eu serv.
    I've noticed that the text limit was larger than the french client one. I guess that's why it's called "french client bug"
    I don't know if they fixed that "bug" later since am still on the english client.

    If that helps..
  • darkonome
    darkonome Posts: 253 Arc User
    When I send out our recruitment message I can't add a smiley on the end. The smiley is very important. I don't want to take out characters because people haven't spoken 'lyk dis' since '02. Please fix.