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House Stargaryen (GH 20) is recruiting

House Stargaryen is recruiting new members be that new to the game or veteran players looking for a no drama chill place to hang out and run content with good people and good friends. We are an extremely helpful guild/alliance and are always on the look out for more like minded players.
We run content all the time that consist of the follow.

- Dragonflight - to build our guilds within the alliance
- Tier 3 heroics as a group for influence throughout the day
- Salvage runs to make them diamonds
- Demo for Fez to make keys
- Tiamat when people want to work on Tyranny
- marauders in various strongholds
- Fbi,MSPC,Tong
- Cradle

We have a fb page for the alliance as well as a discord so that we can continue our shenanigans throughout the day.

So if you are interested in joining the guild feel free to contact me on here or at any of the following outlets as we look forward to running with any and all new friends.

PSN- Vaultamor
Discord - Vaultamor#9857
Vaultamor / DC/ 15000+
Sweet Beets McGee /GWF/14500+
Meat Pie /GF/11000+
Big Poppa Huge Time/ SW/ lvl 70
Stabby McBlade / TR / lvl 70

Guild Leader - House Stargaryen GH20 PS4
Helm Guild - Stargaryen Alliance
PSN- Vaultamor
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