Many people ask which is better to use when in a buff group, Harper Bard or Sellsword? Here is a document comparing them and seeing which is better. to
@thefabricant for updating this old guide for mod 12.5.
Is there any advantage for using sellsword over con artist? Is it worth it to grind for +4 gear for the sellsword when I already have bites rings and a greater dod on my TR?
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
But any effort to put math around that requires bringing in more and more assumptions / factors (consistent uptime, power of allies to be buffed, presence of other power sharing classes in party, your own HP and relative portion of power coming from gear vs. oath). Suffice to say it's kind of a mess.
I'd also say that when we're getting towards BiS, it's not all that clear to me that uptime hinging on <50% HP is well approximated by multiplying debuff effectiveness by 50%. Not that I have a better suggestion, but it's something to consider.