It may be because I'm still on the high of watching Iron Fist, But I've been playing my Martial Arts Monk character a lot lately, and it got me thinking...
We recently had the Wild West themed event in Snake Gulch, which brought us new Cowboy themed lockbox, costumes, emotes, powers, and missions. Now I'd love to see a new Martial Arts themed event. I figured it can be based around the Red Banner gang. I don't know if the actual powers need an update, but I had some ideas for new costumes and emotes.
We need more Kung Fu themed clothes and robes

And for emotes, we need the Kung Fu salute bow

And some Kung Fu fighting stances

I'd also love to see a Zen emote, or possible ultimate power, like Zenyatta's Iris ability.

I know the likelihood of something like this is slim. But I wanted to toss it out there anyway, in hopes we get something like it someday.