Rates X3 and Promo code Gift!

enya#9604 Posts: 225 Community Moderator
Warriors of Elenia!

Hail and praise the tremendous result of your united efforts: 226104 Orcs have been killed from 1 February up to 8 February, from maintenance to maintenance! Orc raids are quelled and trade roads to Aranta will be safe again!
Striving for victory you have hit the uttermost threshold and went to even greater lengths! Here is your well-deserved reward:

- Rates x3 of Premium account bonus for experience from now and up to maintenance 15 February!

- Promo code gift for all the players!


Activate the promo code at the main page of our website/My Account: https://us.royalquest.com/account/

The gift includes:

7 Day Royal Blessing
Treasure Hunter's Elixir X10
Goddess of Love's Gift X10

Attention: Items will be delivered to the golden chest in Character Selection Window!

Mind also that the promo code will be valid up to 28 February inclusive. Remember to redeem it in time!
